Lou Rawls' Ego

Avery is comical. He should sttart wearing a monocle.

"A"? That was a horrid eppy. Well, Maybe in terms of unintentional comedy it's an "A" especially:

That eppy really sucked.

Dime is a good name for a boy.

SNL is still on TV?

I'd rather visit Salsa City.

Sounds gassy.

Walked out of the Buffet Bar @ 10am…it felt like the end of the world was near!

Tucson rules.

Seems like he eats a lot of beans.

Sounds like a fun place.

Binary thinking always leads to banality.

Isabelle Huppert & Nathalie Baye in the same movie! That calls for a national holiday!

I wasn't. But that's because I went to Bartending School.

I'd rather have sex.

But as he made clear to Emmett. Never a farmer.

Yes, Duffy needs to surf off into the sunset! Huge fan.

Always knew Gar from MASK was up to something on the side…!

He's not a psycho, he's a surfer.

It's fine. Just not my thing.