
I'm pretty positive that very few people love Freddy Got Fingered. I don't have an opinion because I've never seen it, that's just the impression I've gotten over the years.

If a Supreme Court Justice recuses him/herself because of a potential conflict involving a presidential candidate, we'll know for sure that the system is changing.

Don't you know? Better to overtry and accomplish no change than to compromise and accomplish some, however imperfectly.

I think this could work. Reimagine the brick and mortar bookstore as a sort of salon for anyone. Become a place to share art, not just buy it.

Excellent use of "daffy."

Her face as she eats that orange is priceless.

But on the other hand if Nemo hadn't been so aggressively sheltered, and instead was taught responsible open-faced/alone etiquette, he wouldn't have defiantly swum out to his eventual capture, and possibly even listened to his dad when he said "come back." In other words, Marlin is the dad who cried wolf, and it got

Having never seen this show but attracted here by the C-, here is my contribution: "Nobody knows what the hell they're doing, will always bite off more than they can chew, and act like an asshole toward everyone else to mask their basic incompetence" sounds like a fairly accurate depiction of real life, if not the

I agree, everyone's dialogue is filtered through Maria's ears, and I feel like it's particularly noticeable in the Duluth segments. Especially when Susan is being mean to Maria, it sounded more like what Maria's "I don't want to live anymore" false engine was saying to her than anything that a real human would say.

In a broad sense, I'll agree with you there. But I think you might be in the wrong place for that. Snark is kind of what the AV Club does.

I don't have to imagine that, I just need to go over to Breitbart and read their coverage of this or similar issues (example: any of their coverage of the NC bathroom bills). As far as I know, the Internet is still unexploded.

If you would voice opposition to this completely harmless change, then it doesn't matter what you wear or what you bring, you are Katie's target. If you wouldn't, then you're just #alllivesmatter-ing this Newswire. Either way, I think you've missed the point.

Let me also just say this:

Great, now you've gone and made me think about the Little Shop movie and I'm annoyed.

In a way, it's a reflection of the same forces that Jesse outlines here. The Internet hivemind has decided what it thinks the conversation about the Ghostbusters reboot should be, and they feel entitled to have that conversation whenever it comes up. Since they're in control of the comments section, it actually

Probably nobody will see this, but I reject this notion: "a lack of mass appeal will always prevent a project from getting off the ground."

Count me in as another weirdo. I think its story is beautiful, and I find the "barrenness" of the overworld to actually contribute to the melancholic air of it all. The Hyrule of Twilight Princess is the dying vestiges of a once-great empire that has forgotten its past. Everything about the game reinforces that

They probably did another take after they discovered it organically. That possibility isn't precluded by Nichols' statement.

The Couple's Mask is the best mask in MM and it isn't even close. You get it with likey 30 seconds left in the 3-Day Cycle, and it still gives me chills even after playing the game loads of times. I like to get the mask after beating the four temples so I can know they're both OK when it's all over.

I can even see it being a conspiracy that he isn't in on. Like, he's having dinner with the Clintons and they say "Donald you'd make a great president" and then just wait for him to implode.