
And, furthermore, the next three!

Can't disagree that it's just unsatisfying (it makes sense, it's just unsatisfying) to see Kilgrave escape again, the way Jessica handled the ensuing chaos was interesting and crystallized who she is in moments of crisis. Despite all her (considerable) flaws, she wants to help people and she can sometimes do it.

He was a truly incredible vocalist.

If it were just the music, I could understand what you mean. But King Crimson's first album (and what is often considered the birth of prog rock) is a medieval-imagery laden collection of folk-rock influenced tunes called In The Court of the Crimson King, so I think Pauling is right.

1st verse "What It's Like": "I saw a person walking out of a liquor store tell a beggar to 'get a fucking job.' Why couldn't he have some empathy instead?"

I mean this sincerely: How?

I do! But the odds seem to be that I'll fail at least once.

I understand that actual people make these shows and they deserve time off, but the holidays are the WORST time to be without LWT/TDS/Nightly. How else am I supposed to handle holiday politics talk?

I think there's a justification for that one, at least. Like, you're actually listening to Christmas in jail for a second before you zoom in on one story.

Ugh, it's gotta the "Jingle Bells coda" that pisses me off the most. Like, if you're gonna use what is effectively the Wilhelm Scream of Christmas music, at least put it into the proper song.

The real evil of this "song" is that every time some hack songwriter wants to inject some Christmas spirit into their latest holiday garbage, they'll just stick the tune of Jingle Bells into the accompaniment somewhere. It's very annoying.

Looking forward to this immensely.

They for sure won't. The people who wanted them to eviscerate PC have already decided that that was the message. Text of the work be damned, I'm fucking right.

Residual resentment after fifteen years? That's heavy. Also, by season 4 I don't even think they had settled into commentary mode at all (the movie didn't come out until midway through, if memory serves). So I have to wonder how you came to have such a strongly formed opinion about a show that for all intents and

They haven't had that character play a role in years. Probably since before Arrested Development was even on the air. I don't think it's hard to imagine that they've grown up a bit.

I really can't understand how this meme has persisted for so long. Is it because Alan Sepinwall says it?

"It doesn't sound like that has changed," but it has. The ending of yesterday's finale could not have possibly been more explicit about its message: Political correctness is not a boogeyman, it's a crucial part of how we're going to keep moving forward as a people.

I really served that one up on a platter, didn't I?

Snark entirely forced and unwarranted. Interesting study.

Genuinely surprised more people aren't making note of how meta that final scene is, mirroring the similar scene at the beginning of the season.