
So glad I'm not the only one who harbors a deep love for "Chickens." Everything with the cop was hysterical, and something about Funches saying "no moral grey area" after an incredibly morally-dubious explanation made me laugh so hard I had to pause.

That one was great, but I would go with the time when Bojack says the four parts of the title separately, each time implying that he's done and allowing his conversation partner to continue before starting on the next part. It was very Archer.

I disagree that everything was wrapped up pat. As the primate says at the end, you have to do it every day (literally a metaphor), and I would trust that this show is going to go down that road with its next season. In other words, Peanutbutter and Diane aren't immediately OK forever because they decided to come back

All I can say is don't scape-horse Bojack for Crackle being absolute shit.

It felt very Horsin' Around esque. "I've heard of West Virginia, but THIS is RIDICULOUS!"

Probably my favorite Todd bit was this conversation with Mr. Peanutbutter: "What if there was a West Dakota?" "Todd, isn't that a job for the State Department?"

So great to see Bojack as the top pick. I can't to see what you all think of the finale (I binged it and have been following the reviews as well), and to pick through all the season-long arcs that have revealed themselves throughout. This was an incredibly well-written season and following it with you all has only

Except completely different, because I was simply pointing out the essential hypocrisy of your "skewering" (which is an incredibly generous term to use, because you have exactly nothing interesting to say in your comment aside from condescending snark).

When your comment is essentially "I hate this episode, nyeh," I think you lose the right to call people out for emotional immaturity.

Much better. Boggs was easily the worst of the season, and there were several truly excellent ones (Misses the Boat & Frank Retires being my personal highlights).

"OK, enough me being a great mom" was mine. Although there were honestly a bunch. For some reason, Larry Turtletaub making a little "yich" sound upon hearing Bojack's horrendous line reading gave me a huge guffaw.

I know it's not fashionable to like Seth MacFarlane, but I'll admit laughing out loud at his Trump hair joke on TDS the other day:

Fully agree. Also, it's not like this is spooky prescience or anything, but making the more reality shows" joke in 2003 was a lot more cutting than it plays today. American Idol didn't even start until 2002.

I mean, yeah, a house band is a relic, but did you guys watch the video of their performance on the Report? That was some fun and interesting shit. The guy made playing the melodica look cool, a feat I would have previously classified as literally impossible, and clearly had an awesome rapport with Stephen (heh).

Actually, yes. I was hoping, as happens all the time in the Futurama reviews, that someone would bring a particularly wonderful line from the show into the comments and discuss it the way only the AV Club does. Talk, for instance, about how Billy West (stupid made-up name) didn't fully understand the line when he read

Finally someone mentions this line.

Ah, I guess I misunderstood that passage in the review. Thanks for clarifying!

I'm reminded of when people were talking about resurrecting Futurama again after "Meanwhile." A good ending is supposed to make you believe that the characters will live on even though you will no longer be a party to their lives. Seems like Community achieved that in spades, and I'm glad it got to go out on the

I didn't watch the show, but I love reading season finale reviews. The only relevant thing I can add here is that South Park is a terrible example of a show that peaked after six seasons. No way you're gonna tell me season 8 isn't brimming with stone-cold classics. Also, season 10 is great.

Also Saturday Morning Fun Pit! Nothing like Richard Nixon censoring a hyper-violent GI Joe knockoff on the fly.