Louis Gonzales

Personally, I think the reason why Baby Snaps wanted to be a "Princess" was that in the land of Ooo there really aren't any "good" Kings. I mean, the Flame king seems destructive while the Ice King is pretty crazy. All the princesses though seem to be quite nice and understanding.

As a Michael Jackson fan, I was able to catch all the references to Michael Jackson. I thought this was really funny, but it lacked the "heart" or "spirit" that the movie has. Overall, I guess, you know, different mediums and all of that stuff.

As a Michael Jackson fan, I was able to catch all the references to Michael Jackson. I thought this was really funny, but it lacked the "heart" or "spirit" that the movie has. Overall, I guess, you know, different mediums and all of that stuff.

These last two episodes have been fantastic! I mean, the Goliad episode was algebraic! :D

These last two episodes have been fantastic! I mean, the Goliad episode was algebraic! :D

How dare they diss Horchata!

Solid B plus for the episode from me..
The season would probably be a B minus from me though..

Personally, I like Tree Trunks, yet I think the last good episode with Tree Trunks was the Crystal Queen episode. The voice actress for Tree Trunks is one of the coolest old ladies ever though! She is personal friends with Pen's mom here in San Antonio, Texas.

This was a pretty good episode, yet not as good as last week's episode. Last week's episode was sort of insane! :D

To call it a knockoff of Spongebob is just plain ignorant. In what ways is this show a Spongebob or Ren and Stimpy knockoff?

…. It's for children so it is going to be juvenile. I don't know what you are expecting?

There are a large number of Pegasisters out and about! :D

Moe is awesome! :D 
Cuteness is just great!

Actually, after re-reading the article, I found that you are totally right! Dan Vs. isn't really a show for a group of kids, rather it is a show for the 12 - 16 age demographic. 
Persia: My list last year would have probably had Phineas and Ferb at the number three ranking. The recent episodes of Phineas and Ferb

It would be hilarious if Amon was your grandson Cabbage Vendor! :D 
I mean, bending ruined your cabbages all the time! :D

If I remember correctly, Dan Vs. was suppose to be a much darker show (It was also suppose to be shot in live-action). I'm happy that never happened though, since Dan Vs. is a really great animated show. I mean, it's sort of hilarious how HUB's two best shows are about Friendship and Vengeance.

I always believed that being kind and presenting yourself with sincerity and love (plus a little humor) in everything that you do in life does in fact change the world (small change, yet still change). I mean, just being kind to total strangers will probably improve my own day and their day.  As for MLP:FIM being

Damn you Wet Ham-Turkey Sandwich..
Fu%k you!

Damn those wet turkey-ham sandwiches.. just damn those to the lowest pits of hell!

I give it a B+..
It thought it was okay! :D