
“Sir, the clone we made from splicing the DNA of Joseph Goebbels and Liberace has escaped. We last tracked him to somewhere in central England.” - Milo’s origin story

Beyond what everyone else has said about nostalgia, I think the real secret of the film is Jean Shepherd’s narration. Its the dry sarcasm that simultaneously undercuts and supports the vignettes that are being depicted. Much like the Sandlot, it gets the tone just right.

You read all fanfic?

I don’t know why we so often sneer at fanfic. Some of these fanfic writers have gone on to publish novels, as the above article suggests, and budding writers have to start somewhere.

I am 90% sure I learned about it during the California Raisins Christmas special..

“But we live in a world where women’s safety is more important than men’s feelings”, said like that’s a silly thing.

I liked how the writers et al managed to insert a very Bob’s Burgers hint of post-Trump defiance into the proceedings. It’s shy and self-deprecating, as is only appropriate, but it’s definitely there bookending the episode, and damned if that final number didn’t make me tear up a little, too.

What does this mean? Someone can do any manner of heinous racist things and as long as they aren’t criminal they should be kept quiet?

Would it have been so hard to include some actual quotes instead of just embedding the videos? Frankly, I don’t trust the A.V. Club to accurately paraphrase people.

This was a great premise, and I was cracking up the whole episode—a return to form, in my opinion. Louise can make me giggle uncontrollably without even saying a word.

I say “Happy Christmas”, like some sort of englishman, and that usually makes them confused about whether they should be angry or not.

an autistic meltdown

Yes, there couldn’t possibly be any difference there. Because heaven knows those three demographics are equally oppressed by society. Won’t someone think of the poor men?

stop using mansplaining.

It is a reference to Temple Grandin, probably the most famous autistic-spectrum person in the U.S., who specialized in designing more humane facilities to process livestock. She noticed that cattle chilled out when they were is a “squeeze chute” and designed one for herself.

You seem like someone who might actually be shittier than the worst Rick and Morty fans. Congratulations, I guess.

I guess he can’t leave this behind.

What the fuck was this

And a few of the better designs were wasted on an establishing shot.

he should really just move to a place with more access to hugs