
Well, Trump did have a convicted pedophile sitting behind him at his latest rally, while excoriating Hillary for who was sitting behind her at one of her rallies, under the logic that the people visible behind the candidate say something about the candidate’s agenda. (And the pedo was actually a friend of Trump.) So

I don’t have any evidence that Donald Trump funds NAMBLA, but I want to words Donald Trump fund NAMBLA to show up more. Google bombing Donald Trump funds NAMBLA sounds like great fun. But it would be even funnier if in actuality Donald Trump funds NAMBLA

I’m honestly more terrified that he’s real and going to win.

You know no one is forcing you to read it, right? Unless someone IS forcing you to read it. In which case, blink twice.

Weird how so many of these fit the character.

Billy really is doing God’s work. #MakeAmericaBrannigan

Many people are saying Donald Trump funds NAMBLA. Smart people, the best people, are saying Donald Trump funds NAMBLA. I myself do not know if Donald Trump funds NAMBLA, but I would very much like for there to be research into Donald Trump funding NAMBLA, if indeed Donald Trump funds NAMBLA.

I did a citizens police academy last fall, it was pretty interesting and I got to drive a police cruiser through their race course. I did miss one day, now I know it’s the day that the police shot at the class.

Why were they even using a real gun? A rubber training gun can’t possible discharge because its not a real gun. They only cost about 20 bucks and Amazon will deliver it to your door so its not like its hard to come by.

Between that and his use of the word “unimaginable” to describe this supremely imaginable thing, I’m beginning to believe Mr. Lewis is speaking a completely new language of his own devising that just so happens to bear some startling resemblance to English.

“I am devastated for everyone involved in this unimaginable event...

And this is why guns scare the shit out of me full stop.

Hopy crap! In the Navy we used blue plastic guns for training scenarios! You should never point a real firearm at anyone even unloaded in training! That is twhat those blue plastic weapons are for so you know you are safe. So that Cop actually pointed a gun at her and instead of saying “bang” he pulled the trigger!

Here’s a little more info (from this news story) on what exactly happened, based on a witness account:

This was unimaginable except for anyone unfamiliar with guns and humans.

Jeezus, this is the Monty Python, “How to defend yourself against fresh fruit,” skit come to life. Fucking Florida.

Well, I guess we know what NOT to do — use live rounds during a simulation involving regular citizens.

*gasp* a gun kills someone, no one could have forseen this situation, afterall guns don’t kill people... no no, dumbass people kill people, and there are plenty of those out there, let’s give them guns and a badge!

Pray for Mary’s family and the officers who were involved. The officers?! This makes me crazy. Did they get shot and killed? Geez, can’t take focus off pandering for police sympathy for one second. I wish Mary’s family every comfort during this completely avoidable tragedy.

Wow, Trump’s followers don’t waste any time. Poor lady and any other remaining Hillary lookalikes out there.