
Failing Jalopnik gets all the facts about the economy wrong, AGAIN. Sad!

No one is forcing anyone to buy something they can’t afford. And I’m not talking about predatory practices from lenders or shady dealers, that is a whole other story.

One key 401(k) consideration: Will your company continue to match your contributions throughout the year if you pay in one lump sum at the beginning?”

I could only hope my writing makes that much of an impact

Eh, I’m gonna blame it on your article telling everybody to buy sunscreen using your FSA/HSA money. They caught on to you, and you are now being monitored by the highest levels of government for being a drain on the system.

I used Acorns in the past, but switched to Qapital. I liked Acorns, but the cost of using it negated anything I made, and you were at the mercy of the market, which could lead to (big) losses. Qapital doesn’t invest money into stocks like Acorns (so it’s not a 1-1 comparison if you’re only looking for stock gains) but

As a software developer, I can tell you usage metrics go a LONG way in helping determine improvements, fixes and new features in practically all software.

This man is a plague on society. We need people that build pets up, not put them down.


I saw the video in the previous story and I’ll be goddamned if I didn’t see a penis. And I was looking too. Like, way too intensely looking for a penis.

Good. Children should not be made aware of the existence of genitals until after they are married, if then.

I thought the whole point of cryptocurrencies is that everyone “mining” keeps ledgers of transactions so that no unauthorized transactions can happen? Did I understand this wrong?

This post is the 21st equivalent of claiming people shouldn’t put their money in banks because bank robbers could steal it prior to the establishment of deposit insurance.

Management system I assume. A blockchain exploit would probably be worth more than 37 mil.

Anyone who advocates for socialist ideals is secretly a lazy bum trying to suckle off the teat of society, and every rich person is only rich because they are smart and deserve it and can be completely trusted as the stewards of our society.