
Ex professional journalist here. (Was a writer and editor for numerous computer publications.) I’ve seen several clusterfucks like this in publishing over the years, where something explodes and everyone hit by flying garbage suddenly has to say something official about it, and their stories never completely agree

My wife and I have one of the DeLonghi oil units, and we love it. Sure, it turns electrons into heat, but it does so with virtually zero noise, making it perfect for use in a bedroom. My wife and I are both light sleepers, so this is one of the best “small” things we’ve bought for our home.

My wife and I have one of the DeLonghi oil units, and we love it. Sure, it turns electrons into heat, but it does so

Reading this article was very painful for me, simply because it was so reminiscent of the countless run-ins I’ve had over the last 15+ year with climate change deniers. In both cases, you have a group of people who simply cannot accept the logical solution(s) for a mix of financial and ideological reasons, so they lie

If the NHL had any honor whatsoever they would have told the prospective owners that they’d get a team only if it were named the Kraken.

I’ve received only a few of these phone calls, but whenever I happen to answer the phone, I do whatever I can to have fun with them. The easiest way to expose them is when they say they’ve detected a problem with your Windows system is tell them you’re running Linux, and they must have meant to call your neighbor who

Strongly agree. I hate it when I hear people recommending tankless water heaters online or in stores without stressing the power requirements. These things suck a mind blowing amount of current, and there’s little chance you can add one to an existing house without upgrading the electrical infrastructure.

Strongly agree. I hate it when I hear people recommending tankless water heaters online or in stores without

It’s getting harder and harder to tell the difference between the NFL and the NHL.

Chess players and fans will be arguing about game 12 forever, I suspect.

On this win streak, they’ve racked up so many standings points it’s 32% of their total for all of last season.

Sure, they’ll come back to earth, have the usual NHL injuries, and suffer through a couple of losing streaks.  But right now they’re banking so many points it will take a major collapse for them not to make

Still thinking sex is nothing but sweaty, tiring, sticky non-screen time?  Think again.

I’m thankful that my college sweetheart -- a wicked smart, funny, and yes, hot woman -- and I got to spend a quiet, relaxing day together, talking about our future including how we’ll celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary next summer.

The Raiders/Bills bidding war for Bell is going to be freakin’ epic.

Yes, it’s a dangerous line, but in a league where cages/fishbowls aren’t mandatory and players get hit in the face by sticks and pucks in virtually every game, and they tolerate an insane amount of after-the-whistle nonsense no other league does, it’s barely worth a mention.

No one who’s paid attention to the NHL over the last few years should find this settlement in any way surprising. The NHL is determined to remain the caveman league, and this is a big step in that direction.

This is nothing more or less than T***pism. Say something insane that will make your supporters smile and clap, regardless of how obviously incorrect or even damaging it is. The fact that your non-supporters point out what an unpolishable turd you are only makes your supporters even happier.  This is the logical end

The day the Kane and Toews signings were announced, I thought, “I wonder which of them will be traded away to clear cap room in a few years.”  It never occurred to me that they’d ax Q and do nothing about their cap hell.

This Bills/Peterman situation has gone from sub-optimal to bizarre. What is the primary reason he’s still on the roster? His religious beliefs? His skin color? The fact that the coach will seemingly cut off a body part before admitting a mistake?

No, they wouldn’t, which is exactly the problem. Instead of valuing a player’s skill, they’re obsessed with his personality and religious views. Remember when Mc Dermott was introduced by Terry Pegula as a “faith based coach” and only a few people raised an eyebrow at such an odd way to describe a football coach? And

I will add this to my folder of responses I send people will they ask me derisively why I’m not a college football fan “like everyone else”.

This asshat is a perfect example of an unpolishable turd.