
So, Philly fans were not just assholish, but conspicuously assholish. I can’t say I’m all that surprised, given what I’ve seen from Flyers fans and fans of some other Philly teams over the last 3 decades. I’ve run out of outrage about it, and just assume There Will Be Assholery when the Flyers fans are involved.

I’ve had massive allergy problems for decades. I had a scratch test years ago (which threw me into anaphylactic shock), and the 69 scratches had an average reaction of 3.9 on a 1-to-4 scale.

Fuckin’ this. Repeatedly.

All these e-mails prove is something we already knew: the NHL is a caveman league, run by cavemen, and scared shitless of losing the dollars and eyeballs of the caveman fans.

It’s positively Trump-esque.

“To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth.”

Exactly. The assholes on the team likely would not have complained about a kid in the locker room — they would have sworn, told stories about fucking fans, etc. with no regard for who was present. It’s the responsible, concerned ones who would curtail their behavior and therefore feel stifled with a young visitor

TS;DFR [too smarmy; didn’t finish reading]

You say that as if it hasn’t happened already.

Being another Bills fan, I think the answer is in his age. Fitz knows that this could be (likely will be?) his last (multi-year) NFL contract, and with the bargeloads of gold ingots being steered in the direction of various QBs, he sees a chance to cash some really big checks before he retires.

This whole mess, from the crosscheck of the official to today’s announcement, just makes the NHL look even more like a bunch of amateurs winging it.

Holy fuckolies.

There’s a huge problem with the NHL right now: They perceive that they have a huge incentive to keep everything close — individual games, via absurdly low scoring, and playoff races with assholishness like the loser point that virtually everyone outside the NHL detests. Yes, you can do the analysis that says a 3-2-1

I agree wholeheartedly with Harper, despite being a 50+ year old white guy. In my “defense”, my wife claims I’m permanently stuck at an emotional age of 14, so there’s that.

And as we speak, Bettman is furiously trying to devise a way to stifle the play of goalies (as they have offensive players), without causing an increase in scoring.

And this, right here, is a perfect example of why hockey is all but guaranteed to remain 4th in the US among the major sports. (At least until lacrosse continues its rapid growth long enough to pass it.)

The NHL is currently caught in a very bad position. They’re economically tied to old time fans who love the violence and “grit” and “players policing each other” and other things that you can barely say without cringing. But despite Bettman’s recent claim that there’s no proven link between concussions and CTE(!!!),

Well, he was shipped to the arena in a box labeled ACME BACKUP GOALIE, so there’s that...

This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, particularly those of us who attend college sports events.

Well, this has finally reached the point where I can no longer read Manziel stories (at least until they’re obviously good news). He’s in a steep, dark descent, and it’s sickening to watch, even for someone like me who doesn’t know him personally and has no involvement with the events described in these articles.
