Fact: Soda takes years off your life.
Fact: Soda takes years off your life.
Yes, but is he gonna dip his balls in it?
Someone who was a 10-year-old fifth grader on the playground in 2003 is plenty old enough to be an adult writer now. Fact-checking the details of someone else’s emotional experience feels like missing the point.
The obvious choice: Gulden’s Spicy Brown Mustard.
The obvious choice: Gulden’s Spicy Brown Mustard.
There is something wrong with you. Not liking mayo? I’m fine with that. But MIRACLE WHIP, AKA SATAN JIZZ.
Oh holy god, yes. I have found my peoples.
Mayo I like but I’m not crazy about so reading this article I read and nod along, think “of course I’ll try and avoid forcing my preferences on others.”
ultra-popular/trendy bits right now: ranch dressing, bacon and avocado.
My kid at 8 years old starting ordering things with “onions on the side”...I asked him why--”If you tell them no onions they will mess it up and still put onions on it....if you ask for on the side they just don’t put them on the burger”....little genius!
This is similar to what I’ve said for years about mayo: it’s just sandwich lube. It should never be the main feature of anything.
Ranch tastes like something that’s gone bad in the fridge and there is no good version because it makes me feel like I’ve eaten spoiled food.
My favorite is ‘but you can’t even taste it’. Why the hell put it in there then?! Of course you can taste it!
Do you know who produced Hidden Valley Ranch? Clorox.
I mean, this means more mayonnaise for me. (And weirdly, as a mayo lover, I feel like the haters yell much louder.) But holy crap, this this this:
Went for the first time to the new one in Milwaukee and everyone there had this look on their face like “I paid to park to eat this?”
Shake Shack is overpriced as hell for a middling burger. I’d rather go to Burger King because at least I know I’m not getting robbed for that middling burger.
He’s the good-cop to Anthony Bourdain’s bad-cop persona. I feel that their messages are the same, just the tone is different.
It’s the Ghost Of Reinheitsgebot!
Are you one of these pickup owners? Because that’s a really silly comment to make considering it’s the ones blocking the charging stations that are clearly insecure...
I’m aware of at least two events, so it isn’t a single occurrence.