
Cooking white meat in red wine is fine. It’s not a great idea for presentation purposes, but if it’s just you and your partner/family eating weeknight dinner and no one really cares what the dish looks like, you’re okay, and if you’re cooking in a dishwasher you really don’t need to get that picky.

Yeah, she could definitely use a good Donkey Punch.

How else would we know what good music is? Taylor is the control in the experiment of music. Because she is SO basic, the great one’s are even greater.


Vampire Bears are no laughing matter.

I realize Jalopnik is still a Gawker, er, Gizmodo property, thus conservative voices aren’t welcome and the Leftist Horde shouts down all, but your rant is absurd. I dislike Trump immensely but he actually cut middle class taxes, which is more than your Lord and Savior Barack Obama did in 8 years. Why don’t you name 3

Well, my after-tax pay went up like $20 a paycheck. So, that’s cool for the next ten years. I mean, I know people like Trump are up like $2M a paycheck, but it’s okay, because he’s smart. Like, really smart.

Is anybody still on the side of the GOP?

Damn those people and their modest success, right?

The petite bourgeoisie will split between reactionary fascism based on their feared loss of status and revolutionary socialism based on the realization they were being used as a buffer and puppets by the haute bourgeoisie and that they were never truly free in the first place. 

That’s what I suspected. For you guys who suggest “violent revolution,” it’s not really about oligarchs, or lobbying/political power in the hands of the .0001%, is it? Rather, it’s about punishing anyone who’s eking out a better life than you.

Are their people who didn’t love Inglorious Bastards? Certainly no a fan of all his works, but that movie was phenomenal

Because others like an artist more than I do, I want that artist destroyed!

Uh...you couldn’t be more wrong. You obviously haven’t listened to Camp or Because the Internet.

You’re weak!

So in other words these are the places that ignore mental illnesses just to be PC? Some day I hope we can all not give a shit about people’s sexual preferences and ignore their obvious attention seeking bullshit and focus on shit that actually matters.

Can someone flag this bot account

She also expressed her feelings to him the next day. He heard her out and apologized. I see no reason to doubt the sincerity of his apology. His statement on the matter affirms that he took her words to heart.

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.