But on the bright side, if Hollywood ever makes a movie about the character, they have their non-Asian actress waiting in the wings. Go Hollywood!
But on the bright side, if Hollywood ever makes a movie about the character, they have their non-Asian actress waiting in the wings. Go Hollywood!
Lets give credit to Steven Tobowski here, huh?
Is there really a restaurant called, “Being Hit by a Car?”
just comparing “legitimate rulers”, that is all.
If I’m not mistaken, Adolph Hitler was the legitimate ruler of Germany. Oddly enough, at some point his “behavior” led us to remove him from his position as well.
I bet, if Nissan offered a truck like this today, it would sell.
I thought Fallout 4 was a Fallout version of SimCity...
I may not agree with you... but damn if I didn’t spit coffee reading this!
The Butthurt is strong with you. Rage on!
She’s still so beautiful. I’ve always had respect (and a crush) for this woman.
I had no idea Steinem was still alive. I still don’t care what she has to say.
That’s the beauty of Lego... if you don’t like it, make it better!
I think, at the very least, the experience will give the new hosts some deep respect for the former hosts.
“Dear Sick to my Stomach”
Luke in Trenchcoat
This move makes sense for Toyota. I still drive my 2006 Scion XA, just hit 200,000 miles this week, and it’s the most dependable vehicle I’ve ever owned. But the Scion brand isn’t what really matters here.
John Glenn sat on top of a rocket that would have collapsed under its own weight if fuel pressure failed, knowing that just getting off the ground would be a miracle.
Hindsight is a cruel judge... Most NASA tragedies seem simple to avoid now, with proper planning and such.
When it comes time to tell good car stories, my ‘06 Scion XA qualifies.