
Rudi Giuliani is best at _____,

You can have a big cup of my conservative “I told you he sucked” coffee when this all goes to shit. But *slow clap* you were such a “rebel” to nominate and vote for his idiocy, instead of a qualified candidate the rest of us could get behind. SMH.

Hillary Clinton wasn’t ever the president, though. Bush was. You seem confused.

Do tears of laughter taste as good? Because we truly are all laughing at how dumb you bible thumping rednecks are.

Keep clicking.

I wonder when they’ll realize that when people on the left said anyone who voted for Trump was racist or sexist, the unsaid part of that was always, “because you can’t be that fucking stupid.”

Writing LOL doesn’t make it funny.

Please be healthy next year Brantley. Please stay on the bench next year Yan Gomes.

After a brief perusal of your commenting history (no one likes you by the way), It is clear that every thing you said in this comment is a lie.

Was I a dick?


We get it. You voted for Trump and aren’t smart enough to regret it yet. It’ll come, pal. Don’t lose faith.

Wrong venue, homie. You’re supposed to post these types of complaints on their FB page with the rest of the unwashed mouth breathers and Minions-meme sharing aunts.


I’m predicting that next week’s Browns vs. Bills matchup is the first game in NFL history where the final score is 1-0.

Of course I an attacking you personally. People like you are dangerous. You are scaring normal folks like me. Every single Intelligence agency agrees with the obvious fact that the Russians meddle with our elections. Your opinion, based, I can only guess, on a desire for it not to be true, isn’t as believable as that.

You are missing an important point here. It’s the intelligence agencies that are saying this and Clinton was complaining about Russian Interference when she thought she’d win. Your side doesn’t care about facts only winning. It’s scary. Also... project veritas???? Really? You have lost all credibility. Maybe you

HOLYSHIT You guys are embarking on a fascist government and you’re concerned about Obama’s dignity!? Just so so SO ignorant! Some historically significant destruction of your country’s democracy is happening and you’re over here towing party lines like it’s your favourite sports team.

He didn’t say that at all. Watch the actual interview. You are lying by repeating fake news.

He’s literally the only person in the U.S. that’s still acting like a fucking grownup.