
Somewhere in the middle along the lines of: “Indians beat Tigers in July game.”

Leroy Hoard who had an all-time fat back quote: “If you need one yard, I’ll get you three. If you need five yards, I’ll get you three.”

This seems like a great place for me to talk about my fantasy draft. I picked some players but also didn’t pick some players. To be honest, I just set the auto draft and let it go.

Given the explicit thoughtful statements of Doug Baldwin in the Seattle Times (linked, and partially excerpted by Barry Petchesky), your comment seems unnecessarily dismissive.

In that case, great! The Ice Bucket challenge raised quite a bit of money and awareness, and there have been some pretty serious breakthroughs in ALS research because of that.

As my granddad would say: You’re trying to pick up bullshit with logic. It ain’t gonna work.

She’s bringing attention to herself by kneeling??? OK. Are you distracted by that?

If it’s so important that teams stand at attention during the anthem, then isn’t playing it before they’re on the field MORE disrespectful?

That’s not really the point. They played the anthem earlier, and then used it to deride Rapinoe and her protest. They made it about themselves.

Why the fuck do you even need the anthem before every bog standard who gives a shit club game anyway?

the list is obviously missing Dodgeball

Baseball Stars for Nintendo is still the greatest sports video game ever. You could make your own players, play a season with tracked stats, and could blast through a nine inning game in under 15 minutes. You also could climb walls to take away homeruns.

Kaep also hasn’t been personally shot in the back by seventeen rounds from a policeman’s pistol, so he probably has no experience on the matter

I continue to not have a problem with this.

Regardless of CK’s actions, the important thing is that the fans showed their support by raising a glass of Bud to salute the troops when the PA announcer told them it was time to do so.

Of all of the bizarre political twists and turns this country has taken, the strangest one is this: the fetishizing, and elevating, of symbolic gestures, while actual words and actions have become almost irrelevant.

I heard that by not standing he is disrespecting puppies and Craig Sager’s fight with cancer. I heard that. Goddammit why am I so fucking angry all the time.

For what it’s worth, Colin, we agree: The oppression of black Americans remains staggering. But those slave ships haven’t arrived here in over 150 years.

The sweeps-takes starts anew. Send ‘em while they're hot. Bring me your tired, poor, your huddled Twitter eggs yearning to breathe free!

Black on Black Crime? Check.