Holy shit, that response so perfectly sums up the white American conservative mantra, tho.
Holy shit, that response so perfectly sums up the white American conservative mantra, tho.
So the image of a policeman getting murdered is more upsetting than the actual deaths of black men at the hands of police? Got it.
Literally nobody thinks it’s okay, including the person who posted it. Perhaps you could spare some of your outrage over artistic depictions of violence for cases of actual violence.
If every cop gave $1 for every offensive thing they said about BLM we could finally make reparations
Come on, lay off the guy. We should celebrate the fact that he is the first law enforcement official to come from what is undoubtedly a long line of butlers.
1970 AFC championship game between Chiefs and Dolphins. Ed Podolak had a monster game and I only really remember it because it was Christmas day and we had just gotten a color TV.
As a Browns fan, of course it was ‘The Drive.’ I was 8. Little did i know how long I’d have to wait to see one of my teams succeed.
Picking up dirt in the old Cleveland Municipal Stadium when the Browns left in 1995.
I remember the 1992 Presidential election. I was 6 years old and in the first grade in a NYC private school. All the kids (political experts, to a man) were chanting “Clin-ton! Clin-ton! Clin-ton!” But one kid was chanting “Bu-ush! Bu-ush! Bu-ush!” That kid would sometimes where a grey Confederate Officers’ uniform to…
Challenger Explosion. Watched it live in kindergarten. When my teacher, Mrs. Hendrickson burst into tears, I knew some shit had gone down.
This is so typical - just another story about how great a Cleveland’s sports team is even though they aren’t really that good. The mainstream sports media just likes to fawn all over Cleveland teams and talk about their “mystique” and “aura,” like they are teams of destiny or something. It is such bullshit how much…
Great news. He is easily the most like able guy on the bench. And his snapchat stories are the best.
NFL fans in general are the retarded-brother-that-lives-in-the-basement of sportsfans.
If I can strut like a peacock wearing my “Villanova 2016 National Champions” t-shirt (and nothing else), you can be damned sure I won’t be calling out any Cleveland fans.
Ordinarily I would never advocate striking a child yet here we are.
Cleveland is a football town first, baseball second...then basketball. If they were to win a SB or WS...as a Cleveland fan, I would never shut up about it.
Wide right, music city abortion, OJ, Braves leaving town, no goal.... Buffalo sports fans have dealt with more shit than most conferences. At least let us clearly own the most miserable.
Don’t wear championship merch. All championship hats and shirts are tacky and annoying and make you look like a 45-year-old soccer mom who only caught up with the team midway through Game 7. As far as I’m concerned, we should send ALL championship merchandise to third world countries, not just the stuff that got…