
You’re such a bad faith piece of shit. Do you honestly think people being criticized is “silencing” them? Or is it more likely that you find any criticism of “anti-PC” behavior (in other words, racist, bigoted bullshit) as intolerable and you believe you should be free from consequences of your backwards ass views?

I liked the special. I’ll give it three flaming crosses out of five. 

Having the wrong people laugh at his comedy for the wrong reasons is a perpetual problem for Chappelle, but this time the blame is on him.

The assumption there, though, is that a trade imbalance with any particular country is inherently bad which is not necessarily the case or that reducing the amount of imports from one country will mean bringing that production back to the US, which is not only unlikely but potentially economically harmful to a larger

robots do not do things perfectly. They do what theyre told, not what is perfect. That is an important distinction. 

“I’m far from a fan of Trump,”

China sure isn’t innocent. IP theft for instance is terrible. But a trade war was never going to work when the opponent doesn’t have real politics. Xi just has to make things painful enough for americans to vote Trump out in 2 years, or wait 6 years.

“Just a little bit of research will show that although I don’t agree with Trump’s methods, the status quo on China trade is not tenable.”

Yeah I feel like such a wimp for refusing to strap myself to a jet engine and blow myself to smithereens in the desert, like a REAL human being

So - China’s policies that hurt the US are a good excuse for Trump’s policies that hurt the US?

Maybe the car behind him had it, or it stopped him from rear-ending the car in front of him.

Lauding her drive and willingness to do amazing things is great, and I’m sure as hell sad about this, but calling people gutless and sheep because they choose not to take unnecessary risks for an adrenaline thrill is some really pathetic projecting.

“Dated styling” - have you’ve seen one in person? “Dated is the very last word I’d use to describe the NSX.

Of course Mr. Trump probably partook in such activities.

You don’t make $30/hr. That is only if you are constantly booked, if you do 6-10 min. trips over three hours you will make $30 in a hour of work time, but it will have taken you 3 hours to work an hour. Their $30/hr booked rate is a useless stat unless you can work non-stop, which is impossible since you are never

You’re right in a lot of what you’re saying, but when I put off cdl school to do this gig because they say they only take 20% or so, then stiff me another 10-15%, then I’ve wasted time and money because they lied about how they do business. That's shitty

I drove for Uber for 6 months in a major market. I never saw the $30 they claim. Actual take home after expenses was closer to $12-$17/hr depending on when it was. Tipping was almost nonexistent.

How would you come up with a number of $30/hr? Well you would have to ignore all the expenses the driver incurs (taxes,

I can’t comment on the average hourly wage an Uber/Lyft driver makes because it almost certainly varies with geography.

To be fair, the actor is nearly 50 years old—they cast him to play a 20 year old because they felt the age gave the drug abuse more credibility.

“Well, that’s one more miserable son of a bitch that I’ve managed to outlive.”