His content has actual facts and figures and is short....these personalities just talk about themselves for 20 minutes to make a few grand on a video and people don’t have anything better to do than to waste their time watching it.
His content has actual facts and figures and is short....these personalities just talk about themselves for 20 minutes to make a few grand on a video and people don’t have anything better to do than to waste their time watching it.
Dougie is more adorable than insufferable.
All that’s left is streetspeed to be wearing his sunglasses in the middle of night rambling on for 20 minutes about how he got pulled over and given a verbal warning with the video titled “I almost got arrested”.
Did anyone else think it was James Spader from The Blacklist for second?
Didn’t you know? All sports cars are variations of the Miata.
Is that Steve Aoki?
I would recommend the 2-series over a 1-series for two very simple reasons:
That’s one of the craziest damn things about this concept. It’s that there is nothing new or even novel about it. Its a welded frame with an engine thrown in powering 1 wheel and a body on top. I have a hard time figuring out just what exactly is so hard about it for them.
wow how do u do it
You’re smoking something... probably a mix of oil and apex seals.
Don’t matter how awful they all may be, nothing is as obnoxious as Shmee150.
He’s all over YouTube: the bro with a handheld camera and a “crew” who makes a channel where he ogles supercars,…
Glad these 2 found each other and saved the rest of us.
It’s spelled “denial” not “Denali”
There may have been, and I may be winning.
You didn’t just compare the reliability of an Alfa to a Civic, did you?
this reads as the marketing guys had an idea, and forced the media dept to do something with it.
Just goes to show that GM is truly innovative - they’ve had vibrating trim panels years before everyone else.