
For the purpose of this, he IS Trump, except for the body, so he’s as disgusting and selfish and vile and ugh.

I had a client that had a HUGE cat that she put on a lead so he could have outdoors time.For the first five minutes he would hiss and roll and try to break his own neck to get away. Then he would lay and glare at the door until she let him back inside.

What if he’s like the Jon Hamm character from 30 Rock? Maybe he’s so hot that he’s actually awful at everything and still gets validated.

my indoor cat has a collar with a bell because of her asshole tendency to sneak up behind people and yell-meow for no apparent reason. does that mean i’m jumpy? certainly. but a psychopath? only sometimes.

I don’t think Donald goes down there. That’s for grabbing only.

Who picks these Double Creatures anyway? There are other creatures than just cats and dogs.

I’m in the factory as the nurse, so it’s not bad at all.

Anyone who says they are undecided after “grab her by the pussy” is an ardent Trump supporter who’s in denial.

This is absolutely true. This is a group of people that believe Trump is honest, a good businessman, has integrity, is not corrupt, is a good God-fearing Christian, and is a guy that just tells it like it is.

Yikes, I hate Trump as much as the next guy but what is breaking one of the most sacrosanct J-School rules really going to do? What could possibly scare off his nutjob supporters? A tape of him dropping n-bombs? Please. His supporters have at least met a woman before.

The thing is, he’s not even a socialist. He’s what a straightforward Democrat should be, right square in the middle of the D area. She’s a Reagan Republican, minus pro-choice and possibly more hawkish. Socialism would be something else we haven’t even had a whiff of.

In America—despite our inequality and blatant cronyism—the socialists never win. The socialists never could have