
Just by lackwits.

Again: that signifies what, exactly?

Ms, The American Way of Death, educate, its. Pardon my errors.

No. Your assumption is quite incorrect. Never let your prejudices stand in the way of learning about other people’s lives. We have disciplines called sociology and anthropology for a reason.

Possibly. I think the value of formal education below the college level is highly, highly over rated in the US. The Mitford children had a tutor and lessons; they ended up being highly literate. They were more well educated than many american high school seniors are.

Well. You’d be wrong.

My goodness. Your ennui and snark is exhausting. The Mitford women were far more interesting than your in-accurate and criminally succinct take on them. Jessica and her husband Robert Treuhaft, a lawyer, were dedicated american communists, worked hard for american civil rights for blacks, and leftist and labor union

Hm. Well. They were a very interesting bunch; their lives represented a social class, and mores, and wit which have all disappeared. I always think it’s funny when someone remarks, as you did, “Well gosh I never heer’d of ‘em. The rascals...” Is that supposed to Shweducate the author of this article of the vast amount

Oh ffs. There are enough orphans, abused kids, and REAL suffering people in this world . Kim Kardashian got robbed. Boo fucking hoo. They scared her. Ok. Got it. Sorry that she got scared. But here’s the dealio: She gets to move on in her life without the daily financial fear most of us live in. She lives an