*Looks pointedly at film version of Parallax from ‘Green Lantern’*
*Looks pointedly at film version of Parallax from ‘Green Lantern’*
Honestly, I’m starting to think that Lex Luthor wasn’t totally out of bounds here.
“And if they did, they would do it like, the black cloud version of Starro.”
Starro the Conqueror is a superior pick than yet another evil Superman. Even good Superman is overexposed.
I’d say Starro wasn’t really a villain. He got majorly fucked over and was imprisoned and abused by humanity for decades. I would have killed them too.
Starro was perfect for TSS: incredibly powerful, and a bit scary ... while being laughably absurd in the best possible way :)
Speaking of callbacks to things Gunn’s produced, “Squad” recalls “Slither” in more than a few ways, especially the denouement where the survivors have to find a path through a maze of corpses formerly in thrall of an alien parasite.
Lotsa people assuming it would be another (boring) take on Evil Superman, but from what I know of James Gunn it’s just as likely it would be Good Superman, or Inconveniently Misinformed/Too-Busy-To-Do-Proper-Diligence Superman, or Superman who’s “good” but maybe not “great”. There’s a lot of room for fun choices in…
Who says he’d be evil? The Suicide Squad is a band of villains organized by Amanda Waller who doesn’t necessarily like Superman.
It’s Starro the CONQUEROR. Put some respeck on that man’s name.
He probably could’ve phrased it better, but I agree with the underlying sentiment 100%. It’s absurd that every male friendship gets distorted into a potential gay relationship, even when there’s no evidence beyond the relationship being just a male friendship. Happens with female friendships, too (see, e.g.,…
“Yes, I am totally vaccinated. And this second ticket is for my totally hot Canadian girlfriend who will be joining me once the lights dim.”
Why would they ruin Susie like that? Angelica and Susie’s rivalry was one of the best things about Rugrats, this little change is really unnecessary.
Eating pussy makes her gay. The sweatshirts are just like a gay garnish.
Roadside rapid tests should be banned. The tests are, no doubt, going to test positive for whatever they are intended to detect - there is great doubt that they will test negative for everything else in the universe, which means plenty of false positives which means plenty of wrongful arrests, seizures, stays in jail…
It’s funny you think that if you endorse street executions that you will never be the victim of one.
Wow. I hope when one of your family members gets pulled over for having expired tags & then gets dragged out of their car & beaten to death, you’re equally insistent that the cops did nothing wrong. Especially after those cops lie about what happened & spend over two years trying to suppress evidence that clearly…