“That doesn’t include the cost of the repairs that will have to be made to the canal itself or the overtime for the folks who helped free the monster container ship.”
“That doesn’t include the cost of the repairs that will have to be made to the canal itself or the overtime for the folks who helped free the monster container ship.”
Got my first (pfizer) shot in early March - Not issues, except for a sore shoulder for a few days- imagine if someone had punched you there as hard as they could.
The song is “Requiem of Baldur”. Baldur was a Norse God who Loki tricked another God into killing as revenge against Odin.
I think the song means that Laura is going to be revealed as Hel, goddess of the underworld. Plausible fan theory is that Mr. World=Loki, and Hel is Loki’s daughter. It makes sense with her hearing the song from her “father’s” room (i.e. it was really Mr. World in there) combined with Mr. World humming the same song…
There was a line last episode too. Odin told Mr. World “I hear you’ve been trying out a few new looks.” I half remember something like that from Technical Boy to Mr. World-as-Danny Trejo as well, but I’m not sure.
I like how this season handled Lakewood, which was a very slow and boring part of the book ( but, I did learn how to winterize a house) by having Shadow leave it often to do more interesting stuff. I did not catch that Technical Boy might be Prometheus. And that is clever because his punishment instead of having his…
No, he’s the Winter Soldier dummy, where do you think all the snow keeps coming from?
what does it mean that Mr. World (aka you know who) is whistling the tune Laura heard in purgatory?
I think, mostly, with the Mr. World reveal that most everyone has now picked up on, one would wonder how the hell the other trickster god wasn’t aware of it all.
And it feels like there’s even less Gods now on both sides.
So, uh, what does it mean that Mr. World (aka you know who) is whistling the tune Laura heard in purgatory?
Wow I was cynical as hell when this season started. But goddamn did it somehow win me over. I'm stunned but glad.
I hope they get another season. I never read the book, but I want to see where it goes. Off scene stuff aside, they have a great cast and this season sure got back to being engaging. Neil’s still on board with it...
It was, in fact, a well done episode. Sex scenes aside, it was about time the characters got a little emotional and consequently, more likable. Moping is not great TV.
(Man, I apologize for what a mess my post, which of course I can’t edit now, is now that I re-read it... I didn’t even get LGBTQ down without a typo, oh well.)
Exactly! I actually meant to say that—that it especially seemed weird for someone like Salim. I don’t really buy that he would suddenly be so into the idea of…
I thought that the finale was TERRIBLE with a few bright spots.
for me she was never optional.
I’m disappointed about that. I know Square has no obligation but the game only came out a year ago and I don’t see why the new episode is PS5 only.
My thoughts exactly. At first I was like “Hey! This is too early for Yuffie...” then I remembered she wasn’t integral to the original story anyway. Not a bad idea for tiding us over for part 2, IMO.