
“Independant contractor.” Even though WWE controls his schedule and won’t let him work with people outside the company. I literally can’t believe that WWE is a publically traded company with such a large issue that still exists with the majority of their employees.

The powerball website says it’s not. If you die the annuity is apparently just another asset for the estate to break up.

No, no, SOME Cocaine and hookers are fine. You just gotta remember the tax implications of it.

I agree, I felt like Ren was uncertain and full of rage. Thus the slightlest problem set him off destroying things.

Patrick: I liked just being dumped into the world, but I wouldn’t mind a little more context about why there’s a “resistance” when the Empire was presumably defeated.

Has it been mentioned where this Hyperion is from? Because this is not Hickman’s Hyperion.

I feel like him being an almost generic black leader would be perfectly fine until they get to 7th Heaven. Then he should lose the glasses and develop a bit.

Sure, MGS3 was the best MGS game. It set out to be a spy movie and succeeded amazingly. MGS2 set out to tell a story about the nature of information and how it shaped you as a person. I don’t know if you just hate the gameplay, which was fine overall, or if you’re one of the people that hated it because Raiden and

MGS2 is second only to MGS3 as far as the main games go. I don’t understand people who dislike it.

Jesus, the amount of negativity over this is insane. Did anyone really think they would get the entire game into one release making in the style games are made now? Nevermind, don’t answer that, I can already see people somehow did.

I will gladly give them my money to play this game.

The third book is soo bad I was surprised I liked mockingjay part 1. Sounds like Part 2 is as awful as I expected based on the book though.

I had this exact thought looking at him in the Snake cosplay.

Having not played this game yet, it feels like the “copy” function was completely unnecessary. Moving a file from one location to another, even a vastly complicated one should be possible easily, and I think that’s what fucks with both the player and the character. Completely unnecessary for drama.

Good news, this honest to goodness murderer only raised $5

Wow having read alot of the comments now, I completely agree with you. Way too many people are having an easy time saying “poor woman, how she must have suffered!” and ignoring the fact she killed her son.

This is actually the best idea. From what we’ve heard Bryan has been cleared to return to wrestling but WWE didn’t want him to, so I doubt it happens.

No they don’t. He’s pretty boring and as soon as they stop treating him like the second coming of Cena he’ll settle into a more natural role for him like Sheamus did. Reigns doesn’t have any ability on the mic and is only okay with in the ring. Ambrose or Owens would really benefit, for themselves and the company,

The internet shouldn’t have shitty, annoying, terrible ads. And they shouldn’t take up a bunch of space on the screen.

Novice mode would be what? A hooker or an 18 year old? Because I wouldn’t rule out either.