
Why is this AVClub and not The Takeout?

Ash’s article got me back into FFXIV, so I’m here to just sings it praises.

Ahh but you don’t have to spend money for you see this critically acclaimed MMORPG has a free trial to level 60 with unlimited playti--- *is yanked off stage*

Counterpoint: Rhodey is an interesting character, at least he could be given a bit more material.

Stop linking The Sun. Fuck the Sun.

Well-drained soil and partial shade is for pansies!” - botanist

Haha, I was actually thinking that was the reason!  Stop crashing the car so much Mazepin and maybe the team could reduce the bondo budget.

Interesting.I remember poor teams from many years ago struggled to achieve the minimum.It surprises me that’s still a thing.
The big teams have been so far under for so many years i just assumed the trickle down of tech would put everyone under the weight limit these days

England hasn’t been a ‘Catholic nation’ for a few hundred years and had the same aversion to violence and openness to nudity. I remember one of the commentaries for Evil Dead 2 mentioning that Ash getting kicked while he was on the ground was considered crossing the line when trying to get cleared for Britain.


this and the msq scaling is hot garbage around 60 the in-between expansion stuff really put me off , along with the MSQ from the beginning with unskipable scenes and all the head nods and “...”. best aprt of the game will be for RP players plenty of things to do, weddings, thearter performances and other fun events.


10% of profits would not be 10% of the box office gross. Likely the studio would have found a way to claim Avatar lost money.

Don’t forget David Tracy.

I don’t follow eSports at all but I feel like in reports like this, the onus is on the accuser to prove such a statement and they are the one’s who should be analyzed by the reporter, not the accused. Like, why is a pro gamer being held to such a scrutiny to defend himself because some other guy on the internet

What an awesome collection. I love that she has some of the games out so they can be played. I hope museum curators in the future understand the importance of having playable models so people can experience the game, and not just learn about them

Call me pedantic, but her collection is just so much more aesthetically pleasing than most, and I respect that to pieces because my biggest issue with collectors is that so many seem to use the cheapest, ugliest shelving for their collections.

Taskmaster, a.k.a. the masked killer from Black Widow revealed to be the daughter of the Red Room architect, Dreykov

Remember when small pickup trucks were actually small?

His self-appointed public persona as “King Pokémon” creates a sense of opulence, which is backed up by footage where he admits he’s sold some of his cards. That indulgent image stands in stark contrast to the narrative that he is unconcerned with money.”