Based on the article and my limited viewing of Miko: I honestly don’t see this as the future of streaming or, really, an advancement. It’s just a slightly different flavor with the rigging that’s it.
Based on the article and my limited viewing of Miko: I honestly don’t see this as the future of streaming or, really, an advancement. It’s just a slightly different flavor with the rigging that’s it.
Hey, maker of Espresso Tycoon here. Game will ship 2022, but the demo will be available this year :).
There was a “Wells the Grey.” Obviously he’ll return as “Wells the White”
Defense Attorney Cecile Horton is terrible at her job.
You would hope that they would look at the critical acclaim that Legends of Tomorrow gets and move toward that lighter way of telling stories. LOT still manages to tell emotional stories, while still being lighthearted and FUN. Flash could be that way and rock.
Harrison Orson Welles and Gandalf Welles were great cameos
You could say the exact same for Starcraft, which is arguably an even bigger ripo...err...homage...than Space Hulk ever was. Blizzard didn’t even really try and hide it, it’s right there on the screen, blatant as all hell.
Now look... You’ve got troll all over your thread.
It makes him sound like almost every other comic book writer. He wants to write the comics he read when he was a kid.
What part of our military’s record makes you think they’re capable of avoiding disasters? If anything, they like to cause disasters.
and why didn’t they ever make a DLC or even a game about Newt’s story? i mean, if there’s ANYTHING in the canon that would fit the type of gameplay that Isolation would be Newt’s harrowing 16 days before rescue...
That is entirely not the point of the the criticism. In fact that is a major part of the criticism: it further makes the idea of military service attractive to youth because it links military personnel to entertainment. I highly doubt anyone is saying these games are facsimiles of real warfare, but they create a…
Meh, war isn’t very much like those games for a number of reasons, and it isn’t hard to suss out major differences; some if you’ve been in (crew fired weapons don’t tend to be personal weapons) some without (carrying all of that gear sucks, especially if the climate isn’t just the right amount of cold and with the…
A, “ jump to the ingredients”, would be handy. I’ll read the story later, but sometimes the list of ingredients requires something I don’t have or cannot find, and the story becomes meaningless.
Here lies the point.
Warcrimes but gender inclusive.
Also respect for the troops in chat, true heroes every one of them.
I’m hereby banning you from my e-fed for violating our policy against using the SCSA “What?” gimmick.
What if the reader doesn’t want to be a better cook and they just want to follow deliberate instructions for a specific item?