The Deadspin article on this would have been amazing.
The Deadspin article on this would have been amazing.
Shame y'all don't have a sport's site that could do this story justice.
Mr. Peanut's last words were "play me some of that sweet Laurel Canyon soooooouuuuunnnnnnn..."
Was your generic electronic device playing anything by Dawes at the time?
Dennis Perkins, who continually laments the fact that SNL isn’t living up to the legacy of cutting, incisive political commentary that it literally never had.
This is the one where they’re the “Bearenstine” Bears because they’re trying to escape the war crime fallout of their forebears.
Young at heart?
Seriously - did I miss the #sponsored tag somewhere, or is this also the final death knell of the AVClub?
I want to believe it’s a guy who knows how an off-handed “Well, what if we just killed him” joke at a DC Comics writer’s summit spun out into the wildly successful Death of Superman event in the 90's, and he has built his entire Don Draper pitch persona around that.
Is this sponsored content? Don’t they have to tell us when it’s sponsored?
Someone get this person to a Waffle House, ASAP.
I asked Bob Broskey, formerly of Beacon Tavern and two Michelin-starred L20 what he thought about making hash browns from scratch.
Awwww.... he just didn’t want to miss a thing.
Sitting alone in a studio, playing along to a click track, to see if he qualifies for his own job.
Reread The Call of Cthulu and pay attention to his descriptions of people, you’ll notice that it’s not as separate from his writings as you think.
WTF is wrong with Evan Williams?!?
Love the Atari ST? Sorry, as a card-carrying Amigan, I can’t even LIKE it.
Everyone knows the best part of Crispy Duck is the delicious skin.