
It looks like a cut scene from an obscenely expensive AAA video game more than a movie trailer

Well, in honor of Star Wars day on May the 4th, I played a little bit of Star Wars: the Old Republic, where I was continuing the Bounty Hunter class story on Balmorra.

Of the expansions I've played, Stormblood is the weakest, in that it's only very good, rather than excellent.

Yeah, though showing Diego Armando in the 4th case rather spoils a reveal in the 5th case.

It's complicated, but you're not far off with the Geordi guess

Because I lurk in r/Jeopardy! I was familiar with J! Archive and use it occasionally for trivia.


Why should I have to be responsible for fixing their mistake?

Also, there’s apparently an option somewhere in the Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga menus to replace the voice acting with the classic Lego Star Wars “mumble.”

It’s been a pretty big gaming week for me. It started off with buying myself a Passover present, one that I’m roughly 4 years behind the curve on:

You don’t understand, it’s something that can have even a remotely tangential connection to Elden Ring the only game to have ever existed in the Kotaku universe past, present, or future!

As the ‘B’ in the LGBTQ+ stuff, with the utmost respect, fuck you.

We all know that Valve is allergic to the number 3.

Yeah, same with Father Ted and Black Books

Yeah, so many of the good parts of AVClub are disappearing at a rapid rate. It’s nice to see What Are You Playing This Weekend? as a comforting Friday balm.

Finally free of house guests, so got in a very minor bit of gaming this week. Slowly creeping back to something resembling normal life, so I actually did my first real stream since lost_wifey’s February death (I hate that I keep mentioning that in WAYPTW threads, but it’s still a rather large part of my life), with

Probably. It really should be Paul Dini, but he’s not a “movie” name

Wilrow Hood!

I'm a gajillion years behind the zeitgeist, so I'm finally getting around to my first Andy Weir book, "Project Hail Mary," enjoying it so far, but I'm only in the third chapter...

He's not even the most annoying character in Temple of Doom...