
Um, did you miss the whole commentary about Reagan/War Crimes surrounding CoD: Cold War?

Gender-flipped (mostly) Resident Evil Village players?

And in the follow up to that, they'll be inspired by a 1960s "classic" and go with John Carpenter's The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover & The Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy's Time Traveller's Wife's Bodyguard & Carol & Ted & Alice - A Tyler Perry Production

Also, I believe Death’s Head I originally debuted in the Marvel UK Transformers comics, yes?

Curse that Rutherford B. Hayes!

Would anyone be able to tell the difference between a Paul brother with or without CTE?

Pretty sure that’s the dev/publisher intention and the entire point of this trailer...

Infamous pro wrestler Terry Funk laughs.

I believe his first retirement was in 1983..

Although fuck the devs for just unleashing everybody into a single competition pool and letting the “pay2win” choads steamroll new players.

What job(s)/race/faction?

I want a life sized Snorlax plush.

Luckily we have the hyperstraight and masculine pals that are Apollo and Midnighter to counteract that.

With last weekend being longer thanks to Memorial Day, and my having bought Dragon Age 2, I ended up not going back to Thedas, mostly because I need to move my Origins/Awakening save from my old PC to my newer one so I can import the world state, however other things kept coming up.

With last weekend being longer thanks to Memorial Day, and my having bought Dragon Age 2, I ended up not going back to Thedas, mostly because I need to move my Origins/Awakening save from my old PC to my newer one so I can import the world state, however other things kept coming up.

I assumed it was an ambient temperature issue.

Who cares about the least talented member of The Smiths?

I always thought that the best way to establish whether a movie is good or not would be to watch the movie, but I’m strange that way.

It is.

So right now, it's more of a Graven image than a game?

I’ve barely scratched the surface because I also purchased it in a sale and the screenshot is from the third or fourth tutorial mission, and I haven’t figured out the not dying part yet.