Um, did you miss the whole commentary about Reagan/War Crimes surrounding CoD: Cold War?
Um, did you miss the whole commentary about Reagan/War Crimes surrounding CoD: Cold War?
Gender-flipped (mostly) Resident Evil Village players?
And in the follow up to that, they'll be inspired by a 1960s "classic" and go with John Carpenter's The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover & The Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy's Time Traveller's Wife's Bodyguard & Carol & Ted & Alice - A Tyler Perry Production
Also, I believe Death’s Head I originally debuted in the Marvel UK Transformers comics, yes?
Curse that Rutherford B. Hayes!
Would anyone be able to tell the difference between a Paul brother with or without CTE?
Pretty sure that’s the dev/publisher intention and the entire point of this trailer...
Infamous pro wrestler Terry Funk laughs.
I believe his first retirement was in 1983..
Although fuck the devs for just unleashing everybody into a single competition pool and letting the “pay2win” choads steamroll new players.
What job(s)/race/faction?
I want a life sized Snorlax plush.
Luckily we have the hyperstraight and masculine pals that are Apollo and Midnighter to counteract that.
I assumed it was an ambient temperature issue.
Who cares about the least talented member of The Smiths?
I always thought that the best way to establish whether a movie is good or not would be to watch the movie, but I’m strange that way.
It is.
So right now, it's more of a Graven image than a game?
I’ve barely scratched the surface because I also purchased it in a sale and the screenshot is from the third or fourth tutorial mission, and I haven’t figured out the not dying part yet.