And are they hiring?
And are they hiring?
Star Citizen has developers? I just assumed it was a money laundering scheme with virtual spaceships attached.
I don’t think anything associated with this show can be considered “smart” money.
Sounds like Mark David Chapman to me.
They’re not the same group?
Hey! Ho!
Inspector SpaceTime!
And pro wrestling based on the Heels promo shot I’ve seen with Amell on the Twitters.
Think, Barry, Think!
It’s very un-The CW right now.
Sweet scene between Lana and Clark, bonding over missing Martha
My summary this far:
Morrissey: by far the least talented member of The Smiths.
An injured stiff averaging less than 5 points a game? He wasn't on any trade sheets to begin with.
No, Ash ahs a very distinct voice, and that tends to be reflected in the headlines assigned to her pieces (I’m assuming the writers don’t get a say on the headlines)
Morgan doesn’t have a single likable characteristic. It’s not even a good plummy posh accent.
The FIA signed up to WADA, So they are sticking to their own sports.
Death’s Head I, yesssss?
I’m doing my part!