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Track: Across the Universe | Artist: Utada Hikaru | Album: N/A 

Neutral. I know we aren’t big fans of them all the time, but I think for any electric car to be truly mass market it needs to price similar to a Camry. If the Camry can be America’s number one sedan by sales, then probably trying to price as close you can to Camry would really make a mass market car.

To be fair, a sizeable rock in the road can back up traffic anywhere.

Outsourcing the repression of those who oppose the will of the rich and powerful. What’s more American than that?!

I know that it’s the Wonder Woman logo, but does anybody else immediately think ‘Whataburger’ when they see this car?

George Foreman wouldn’t have had a problem.

What’s confusing to me (and probably many) are the people that need this type of health insurance were mainly the ones screaming about how unfair Obamacare was and vote for anyone with (R) following their names.

My 7 year old self is jumping up and down!

I smell rivalry. Can’t wait until the next time these two teams meet.

I took this one step further in my head - whats to prevent you from using this to try to swing things in your favor in a gambling sense?

The GOP blew a 237-193 lead in the House.

If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...

“It has never been used for the rehabilitation of species. It’s been used for control of the land,”

He solved the Kobayashi Maru. Without cheating.