
We have just witnessed the worst run campaign in modern US history, and I’m hearing again about how Warren or Sanders or Biden would have been destroyed by the mean republican machine.

Warren clearly lacks the hardnosed campaigning prowess that came up with the #HillaryismyAbuela tag.

Gee, the one unifying theme in all these was a dislike and mistrust of Hillary. Something much of the left agrees with. Someone remind me why the DNC pretty much anointed her as the nominee again?

I was Cincy this weekend and actually saw all this happen - it was nuts. I was down at the New Amsterdam, staring at this yellow-haired girl, then Mr. Jones strikes up a conversation with a black-haired flamenco dancer . . . and then he spit on her.


My most sincere congratulations to you, Kelly! Also, thank you for reminding me that I shall never reproduce. No cheese for nine months? OUTTIE 5000.

you got it

I’ve always said I was going to name my son Auron if it ever happens. Could tell the wife I mispelled Aaron on the birth certificate. NIce to know I’m not the only person crazy enough to name a kid after a toon.

From Smogonbird to Nannybird

You would not be a good advice columnist.

Except for 3/4 sand 1 ton trucks were not required to undergo fuel economy certification during the time frame mentioned in the article. Given that light truck emissions requirements are far less stringent than cars, this whole thing stinks of some deep pockets working to remove diesels from the roads by force.

You might actually be me, then.

...but if you are, maybe start hitting the gym just a tad more often. We need to lose about twenty pounds.

In all seriousness, I get it. Best of luck out there—and here’s hoping someone finally sees that you’re capable of more than just proper spelling when it comes to value within a

I am stealing that title, so you know.

Don’t worry, there’ll be a writing credit in there for you.


This reminds me of a video I saw once where I was all, “Wait, how many legs does this guy HAVE”

I have my clients on 120g protein for females, 160g protein for males. More or less depending on structure, but it doesn’t vary too far from that more often than not.... I’d say you’re not getting enough. If your weight is stable (and depending on your goals) you may need to sub out other calories for protein. This

Malcom or Oscar from The Office?

Did they stop?

Walker, Ex's Anger.