
Sounds like rap’s not paying him enough and he needs something quicker.

Gizmodo is where I go to be mad online.

Yeah, same. I got out of the grays on Kotaku for a while just when Gita came in and the site started getting good. Then, suddenly, just shot back into in the grays. No CLUE why. Now Jalopnik, I know why I got regrayed over there. They really don’t like it when you point out why Collins is a hack.

This seems like a pretty useless thing to have an opinion about.

No, but I really want to help somebody grandpa catch a fuckin’ fade


do not steal these

I am wet and panting for the camp battle between Blake Blortles and Eli Manning.

Just say anachronistic

So basically it can teach you to read a fucking book. Not something I need to hear from a TV show.

HEADLINE: Pollution bad.

oh you don’t fucking say selling things out of your home isn’t a viable alternative to a real job and is almost certainly a scam woah how could anybody know there is no history of this kind of activity

Lonzo Ball?

Congrats on being racist.

Yeah bro I just don’t know that the slave rapist president is the best one to bring up as having said “Some dark shit might be coming up”.

But you can also say “We’re going out for a mixed grill” in America and it makes sense.

You could have given me infinite guesses, and in the rest of my life I never would have guessed THAT.

Is it 10 months ago already?

If you need a guide for this, maybe drive your car off a cliff instead.

Stamos did a bad job.