
Right?! Mr Pibb does not approve.

I would totally eat butter & brown sugar ice cream.

My first thought as well…

Me too! I love that jolly motherfucker!!

Only scene that made me cry on my initial watch.

I also would have loved a variation with everyone at the Mosby's after the funeral, Robin and Marshall comforting Ted on the couch while Lily and Barney play with all the kids in the background. Maybe it's just the Mom in me, but I was really pissed that we never saw all the kiddos together and after dedicating an

More than excellent. It's amazingly hilarious.

^This is why I can't believe that CBS isn't doing some sort of himym retrospective before the finale!!

*ascending (ftfy)

Utahn here… I always call Utah "The South of The West".

Jon Heder, not Bill Hader! :)

I saw part of it on cable a few months ago… HBO I think? Totally worth watching for the cutest little Blaine impersonator ever! Adorable little kid, five years old tops, kills it!!

I hope you're right.

You beat me to it, but yeah… that was my immediate thought too. He'd kill it!!

I really wish the Affleck adaptation of The Stand hadn't been scrapped… I think Aaron Paul would make a great Larry Underwood.

It's a Fuckin' Channel.

How did I not know there is a Michael Showalter produced sketch show on MTV?!?!

Yes. This would have been awesome.