
I think it could also tie in (in a very 'taking liberties with science' sort of way) with the diet of brains keeping the zombie ru a composed, human rationality. Eating the brains of another species would not promote human behaviour and you end up like poor girl who got trapped down the hole.

Plus let's not forget one of the zombie powers is increased strength. While chainmail gloves might have prevented a knife slip, we've seen Liv rip through thick chains attach herself like a burr to a speeding, swerving car and the lieutenant effortlessly take a refrigerator door off its hinges to use as a shield. Ravi

That's true, but it's still fairly risky - there's also the possibility that Blaine is aware that Liv and Lowell are involved and deliberately sent those brains as a message….we cannot rule out that, but it seems a little too much of a long shot - magnificent bastard Blaine may be, but he doesn't have any good reason

That and I have to be most interested in the Lieutenant this week actually. The thing that just clicked for me in that ending montage was that Liv got part of Jerome's brain.

I very much agree with the cotw issue. The rest of the story is complex enough by now that I think the show might do well to shift focus, and put the case episodes on the backburner to dip into as breather episodes. 'The good old days where we eat some brains and give the dead their due.'.

I think the problem if the show ticks down this route which is possible, but it would be more a question does she/doesn't she want to go back; of course she does, but no human is going to be able to stand up to Blaine. She's probably clever enough, but without her zombie strength or any acquired brain abilities she's

Oh I'd agree normally 120% that's zombie 101. Kill the brain kill the zombie. But a lobotomy doesn't kill a person. That's what I'm wondering and if I'm right about it, it makes Blaine a WAY more dangerous villain than previously conceived.

I sort of love that the Meat Cute chef is a bigger lady zombie who makes delicate little pastas out of brains and wields a cleaver behind Blaine's closed curtains.

Er. I feel like I'm talking too much but I'm rather interested about the hole drilled in Jackie's skull. It's been pretty well proven that zombies don't just die like that by the moment Ravi gave Liv open heart surgery while fully awake.

I was under that impression at first too but I think maybe the brains were a special order along with some other stuff to throw people off the scent? I'd have to rewatch the episode, but experience eating calves brains would suggest that human brains would have a similar texture to scrambled eggs (and when I say

I think you just touched on the crux of the problem that's not yet been addressed: We have no TRUE sense of who Liv was. All we have to date is that she definitely took her studies seriously, but one would expect that of anyone who was able to achieve and maintain a hospital residency. We know she has a mother who

I think the real failing this episode had is that it fell back in a few places on the 'hahaha girls don't play games and there is no ground between being a man and a social outcast who is overweight and screams at tech support and being a man who likes games and is kind of quirky and/or cool because games are a guy