
To be fair, it sounds like they might just be more centrist than that- you know, the kind of person who might well find the way that people who criticise the left do sometimes get labelled alt-right even though they might identify as liberal. This Zenolaf guy seems to be saying that you shouldn’t be offended by a

Get Out did phenomenally well though- any movie that opens at number 1 in the US is almost certain to be released internationally. Sorry to Bother You came 7th, which is highly respectable, but not a guarantee of favourable returns internationally. I mean, Christian films sometimes rank higher and don’t see

Fair point. On the other hand, it’s not entirely equivalent, given the marginalisation of homosexuals, but would you not consider someone shipping Ellen Page with a guy friend, say Michael Cera, rather troubling?

Turns out the Lottery was just a dream...

Turns out the Lottery was just a dream...

Obvious troll is obvious.

The guy is a fucking asshole and his show isn’t worth the effort. That said, I feel like the article is incomplete by overlooking the clear evidence that the guy was doubling down not because he believes she’s going to be too ugly in five years but because he’s not the type to apologise for a ‘joke’. The guy makes

Maybe they’ll fill the Grimes shaped hole with a recast teenage Judith and send her on adventures with Daryl.

In a surprising plot twist, the account is revealed to be owned by... George Lucas. His obsessive-compulsion for remaking has kicked back in and he’s pretending to be a clueless 14 year old fanboy so he can get the ball rolling on his Force midichlorian microbe script.

In a surprising plot twist, the account is revealed to be owned by... George Lucas. His obsessive-compulsion for remaking has kicked back in and he’s pretending to be a clueless 14 year old fanboy so he can get the ball rolling on his Force midichlorian microbe script.

Context is needed. That seems very much like the kind of question that follows on from talking about a specific case or LGBTQ cause. It’s also possible that it would be implied that he had not shown enough support in said case.  

But think of the possible crossover sequels when this movie breaks the box office! Oh wait...

Or maybe the occasions it does happen are just going to be recorded more and more often thanks to technology. It’s good to hold them accountable for the instances where they commit crimes but it’s wrong to forget the millions and millions of interactions where they act professionally and no-one takes any notice.

If you truly believe that there are no good cops in the world, you obviously haven’t actually met too many cops in real life.

She doesn’t. There’s enough racism in the world without presuming it where it’s not.

No other service helps stop the murdering and maiming of people in daylit public places either [tho they may help deal with the consequences].

I dunno. Do they have a grandmother or family there? We don’t have to assume that he took them there specifically to engage in poverty tourism.

One could argue that the far left’s dehumanising vilification of their demographic was more effective at pushing moderate libertarians towards the right. Placing blame on straight white males for a societal system that has primarily benefited them can serve to alienate potential allies. Drawing lines in the sand and

Are you sure that is what Jessica Walter wants? The forum is a media interview so she may be putting on a brave face but she does conclude her breakdown with a joke that it’s all exclusive for the NYT. Moreover, what she says suggests she wants to get over the incident and continue to work with Tambor. Also, because

People also seem to be overlooking the context of this being a media interview which is not the arena that tends to bring out normal social responsiveness and empathy. The actors are there to make a public statement and, thus, they are generally making concise statements rather than truly listening to one another as