
Damn you Shep McAllister! DAAAAAMN YOOOOOUUUU!

Damn you Shep McAllister! DAAAAAMN YOOOOOUUUU!

Good read so far. Have to come back to it after work! if only breaks lasted forever...

I just read United States of Japan and loved it! This makes it the first time I’ve been excited for a guest editor. Cool. :)

Been trying to eat healthier, so keepingredients it fresh will only help.

Been trying to eat healthier, so keepingredients it fresh will only help.

Even then, I still want it..

I own this, and for that price that is amazing. Good sound quality and easy to sit up. 10/10 would bump my video game tunes through the walls again.

I own this, and for that price that is amazing. Good sound quality and easy to sit up. 10/10 would bump my video

I was hoping to all hell that it was gonna release during xbox’s summer sale :(. I’ve wanted this gAmerican since it was teased along with the xbox one. *sigh*.....

Always open to some new reads. Thank you!

Daaaaaaaaaaamn.... mind blown

Now if only I could find an attractive blastoise...

It literally blows my mind to see how people choose to react and handle things like this. I’m a huge FF fan and can’t wait for this game, yet I have no idea the mental gymnastics people must go through in order to validate acting like this haha. Jeeezus

Broadening my horizons yet again!

I’m ok with this! I like Pitt and I like Fincher!

Halo 5's story is by far the weakest out of the series, but the MP is easily the best (especially with Firefight added not long ago). If anyone hasn’t gotten it, this is the way to go. Can’t complain about the bonus request packs.

Halo 5's story is by far the weakest out of the series, but the MP is easily the best (especially with Firefight

See ya Klepek! Thanks for all that you did and I wish you the best!

The first game made my friend and I scream so terribly my girlfriend ran to us to make sure we were ok... I still haven’t finished it! :D

I randomly go on binges of watching live action video game trailers and ALWAYS end it with this one. Easily one of my favorites.

Fahey is gonna shit himself over this one!

I’m glad this was written. Just last night I was looking into buying it on Xbox one, but didn’t know if it was fixed yet. Big help.

Team Instinct knows it’s the quality of the gym over the quantity. Let the mystic ninnies and Valor jerks fight, while we take over key gyms!