
Foster had seven stops and one H&R Block.

I don’t care the issue, I don’t care what side of the issue you’re on. If you use the term “Fake News” as part of your argument, you out yourself as a dumb motherfucker and a lemming.

Oh man, you’re about to hear from a bunch of people who totally have black friends.

When right-wingers talk about “repealing burdensome regulations” this is the sort of stuff they’re talking about. It’s ironic, though, isn’t it, that capitalism can really only function effectively when there is true price transparency and yet the God’s of Capitalism would have us inhabit an economy where consumers

Of course fees are not going to be hidden for longer than about 35 seconds when the first person reports online the new fee he had to pay. Then every 3rd party pricing website will quickly simply start reporting the new fee.

Airlines aren’t the only one.

If it’s good for business and bad for the average person, or less than average aka the Trump voter, it’ll get the AOK from the Trump administration, mark my words! Anything to fuck over the little guy and make the wealthy more wealthy.

So let me get this straight. The officer witnessed this alleged felony assault and then did...nothing? And they decided to bring charges 14 months later?

“the case is all based on the recollection of the officer.”

I don’t think you can say that about the Fellow Underprivileged Citizens Know The Help Everyone Provides Overcomes Oppressive Regulation Act.

+28 - 3 stars

“a paraplegic security guard” - I don’t know how to say this without being a dick, but, uhhh, odd choice for a security guard.

If they move the clocks one hour forward, then the sun comes up later. If the sun comes up later, that’s less time it can melt the polar ice caps. Less ice melting means less sea level rising, which means Florida won’t be underwater for like another million years.

To be fair, it’s not like there is much to say. Do you want them to spell out that the F-35 is not, in fact, invisible, and that it reflects light just like most other objects in the known universe? That our president is a complete and utter moron, doesn’t understand the basic workings of our world let alone the

It’s supposed to have LIDAR or similar sensors which detect obstacles in front of it - whether or not they’re illuminated. Part of the point of these autonomous vehicles is that they’re supposed to have better ways to detect potential problems than a human driver, and this shows that wasn’t the case.

Unavoidable my ass! Having found the video, if these self driving cars are supposed to have such sophisticated sensors it should totally have been able to detect her in time to avoid her, or at least make an attempt.

That’s still true! I would never stop anyone from doing whatever they want to their cars! But there’s no rule against mocking.

I’m shocked, shocked to learn that gambling is going on here.

Who needs two cruising gears?

Republicans told the Times that they did not mean to target sports trades when they adjusted the rule.