
The point is that you can't professionally express quotation marks in verbal speech, you blundering ignoramus. If you're trying to explain that somebody's new 3DS isn't a New 3DS even though it's a brand new 3DS, you can't straight up explain that their new 3DS isn't a new New 3DS without a stupid amount of back and

Because the moment he gets a good Pokemon he gives it away of sets it free.

They also had a Green, Tranparent N64

me too!

Notch at least stayed true to his word and said he'd leave if Minecraft was bought out. It didn't have much elsewhere to go.

Zero is a shit player he is only good at camping as anyone would see if they watched his tournaments. He plays like a middle aged woman and talks like one too.

This unnatural pose objectifies men.

I 100%'d the checklist, but I'm waiting on the ps4 version before a second playthrough. The wait is KILLING ME.

Isn't it the post by the Iranian President that is brave?

Except I'm pretty sure that's a beta fish... Meaning they don't get along very well with other fish.

Style? I don't know, man :/

You are never going to notice a difference between 24fps and 30fps.

That's it? You archived the original and got rid of all the comments? Patricia needs to apologize about villifying Temkin. How can you say you think everyone is presumed innocent when Patricia herself had this exchange with Dude Guru in the original thread?

First time submitting, this idea immediately popped into my head...

What makes Vocal smash community intolerable isn't wave dashing. Its that there are 2 extremes saying how the game should be played. One group says that it should only be played the way Sakurai made it, and another group says that it should only be played on a highly competitive level, and everyone else is a salty

So your co-worker's mother is a ho, and she takes bookings online?

The trailer was made with Imovie (Stock Transition Animation)