
wedding episode?

it should be noted that not only was their a first time writer for this ep, there was a first time director too. I don't think I liked the director's choices this episode. I would love to see Justin Lin back for an episode but I'm fine with the Russos too.

that was interesting, ambitious camera work. I think now they're just lazier with the camera.

so who is the blonde on the heart?

little emma adderall…..

haha that's true. Like 'what up old owner. alright, I'm back to my place, LATES.'

No I agree that he is very broken down, and I like that, but I guess I didn't like how it manifested here. small complaint though.

I think you should read a lot of the comments her about their relationship this episode and what the implications for Troy wanting to go back to being 'weird' at the end of the episode implies about Troy's insecurities about his future.

the main thing I didn't like about the episode was Jeff's drunken speech at the wedding. It just felt tired and lame, and sort of referenced his daddy issues out of nowhere in an unnatural fashion. I also didn't like the camera work in that scene.

welcome to the MACHINE

I do think it felt a little cramped though. Maybe because most of the action took place at night, but I wish we got to see them in more locations or there were wider shots.

also, Britta and Jeff's drunken dancing during the 'reception' is hilarious

just rewatched it. my impression of the episode went up about tenfold. There are a lot of good jokes in this episode.

the future of the past is NOW

good call. I think Britta, Dean Pelton, and Abed were my favorite characters this episode in terms of performance.

yeah I definitely need to watch again before I make any judgements, I've read some really good things here about the heart.

I understand why some of them left, but I don't know why Guest would leave to take the same staff job at Suburgatory. I don't think he got a promotion with a producer credit like Cutler and Winston did.

yeah, I wasn't a fan of the heart thing. seems a little too 'gag-gy'

YES! I've been hoping for this for a while