
'. It's something the show hasn't been quite as good at lately: while they knock "concept" episodes out of the park, the writers seem to have significantly more difficulties these days at coming up with small, connected stories like the ones they did in the S1 "pizza" episodes.'

I think Arrested was a game changer.


Ive been to Canada probably 4 or 5 times. But only to Niagara Falla and Toronto, pretty much every time. Toronto is a great city from what I have seen. It was surprisingly multicultural and then felt like Europe at times too.

didn't know they were doing one.

sounds like @avclub-b7a8211586995578af1a2a97cfd214ca:disqus is practically a Finn.

ha @avclub-b7a8211586995578af1a2a97cfd214ca:disqus I don't think you're kidding. especially with the stories of seal hunting in your hometown.

do all of you Canadians live in Ontario?

ah that makes sense.

I love Peyton. I hope he goes to a good team and has a chance to win again. I've heard Redskins and the Dolphins as possible destinations but we'll see.

there really are so many jokes packed into this episode. I love season 1.

@avclub-f0063baac3d62f59a0f27e4e9a29471a:disqus are you a Colts fan?

Wow it's been announced that Peyton will be leaving the Colts. Sort of expected I guess but still.

NBC has SO much material with which to make awesome promos for Community. Hot chicks, Joel McHale, Chevy Chase, Ken Jeong  -they could do a lot with that.

wow Fishsticks are awesome for noticing things Ive never seen before. Alison's face is hilarious there.

lol that promo is SO canadian. i like it though.

I would add in Communication Studies for the Jeff-Britta trifecta in season 1.

I remember with Lost, I was spoiled and read the episode descriptions a few times and it was a terrible experience. I can see how it is different for a comedy but with a drama like Lost where plot twists were a huge part of it, reading them definitely ruined the experience

well FFPM was also a special situation because the tag for Fistful pretty much spoiled the second episode. It kind of ruined it for me actually