
I've heard at least the first handful of seasons are great, and it was  well ranked on 'shows from the 2000's' lists done by Todd and Sepinwall at the end of 2009. Also, I'm into politics and am an Aaron Sorkin fan, so I think I should check it out, but yeah its not the highest priority for me on that list. That would

yeah I think I need to finally check this show out. I'll have to add it to the list of 'essential' shows I haven't seen yet - The West Wing, Deadwood, BSG, The Shield, and of course, The simpsons

agreed! Britta-Annie isn't a path they go down often so that was a great aspect of 307.

she was nostalgic from a very young age

yeah if Sepinwall can make an appearance TVDW should be able to also

@avclub-40a361016a9a8b76b459433f0509bc31:disqus dude that just made me snarf yo

'We sometimes auction off walk on roles for various charities. We're going to have a bunch of people walk on in the last two episodes. Maybe try and find a charity that is auctioning that off? If I hear of one I'll write about it on Twitter.'

I'm very curious about the geodesic dome she mentions

yeah, that's why I have come to love Gillian Jacobs so much. I think she is also the best on the commentaries.


Joel McHale (@joelmchale)

ha I didn't know a Britta twitter feed existed. Dan Harmon retweeted this:

haha awesome.

that's awesome. Werewolf Bar Mitzvah and the Tracy morgan meat machine are the best things the show ever did, imo

i should add that he is actually Matt Jones, a comedian. He plays 'Badger' in Breaking Bad. I used to follow him on twitter and he tweeted about how he was lucky to have roles in the best drama and best comedy on TV.

yeah - hacky-sack buddies with Vaughn, right?

"that dude is your dad?" was better imo, but I love both delivery men.

see I disagree. I see Parks just like the Office. In fact, I feel about Parks now the same way I felt about The Office in season 4 - it was starting to slip a bit in quality. How many 'Jim pranks Dwight' jokes could they do before it got old? Parks is the same with the 'Andy is dumb', 'Ron likes meat' jokes. There's

'The relationships with the characters in our lives are far more complicated and demanding, far less stable and certain. There are a million and one things that can shift their balance. That can throw them off their equilibrium. Forever. We can't take our loved ones for granted and simply trust that they'll be there

Dan Harmon @danharmon