
pic from set - day 5 of filming 318

for me I think it's a recent thing. during second half of season 2 overlapping with season 3 of parks, I went back and forth every week on which was 'better', because some of the second half of season 2 had duds.

you really just need to watch the pilot of Justified season 1 and a few near the end of season 1. most of season 1 is just filler

the battle of the blackwater will be amazing!

¡Ratings! for ¡Rob!

also an epic run for the AV Club - I think those are the three shows that get the most comments/discussion around here.

off topic a bit - Game of thrones just had its premiere date for season 2 announced - April 1. Mad Men starts on March 25th. If Community comes back around then that would be a pretty epic 12 week run.

wow, everyone on the internet is absolutely in love with that Parks episode last night. I thought it was decent but I didn't really feel anything like I felt after some great season 2 or 3 episodes. Maybe my ever-increasing love for Community is sapping love away from Parks?

I really look forward to Harmon hopefully doing another AVClub walkthrough this season

Are the Chang stories done in 302 and 303 the worst B-stories this show has ever done?

Dan Harmon @danharmon2mSeason three of this show is going to be Jägerbombs.#MeansAwesome #NewWayToSayIt #StreetsAhead

I LOVE the Alex eats like a monster running subplot

i agree wholeheartedly. season 4 as a whole had just felt like they are in long-term mode now. i rarely enjoy it as much as I did in season 2 or 3.

30 rock

according  to cast twitter feeds, Olivia newton-john was on the set today. not sure if she is making an appearance or just visiting.

NBC thursday means nothing to me now

We used to be called the Greendale Grizzlies but… most of these people have been called animals their entire lives.

you can have Paul Rudd and Louie CK, Parks and Rec. I'll take French Stewart anyday.

Wait so this means we're going to get another new style of credits for the law and order ep right? First one this year. We had 5 in season 2.

I'm surprised it ranked so high - I probably saw 10-15 different lists at the end of the year and none had TWD ranked highly.