Arizona playing on field turf is reason enough fot them to suffer.
Arizona playing on field turf is reason enough fot them to suffer.
Looking at this unprecedented success in the face of imminent destruction, I have only one conclusion. There’s a crossroads demon somehow involved.
Hey, Craig James was just being a good Methodist. He knew they were just enticing good Calvinists to sin.
Woody Hayes actually walked to work everyday, had a listed phone number, and throat punched a white South Carolina baby boomer. The man should be venerated for what I listed above.
Give the guy a break, he’s still cleaning up all of the old whiskey bottles left behind from his predecessor.
How in the hell would an MLS stadium cost $1 billion dollars?
1-2 for Oklahomastan’s flagship football team. Bob Stoops will be back in Youngstown before too long.
Who invited the Ayn Rand freaks?
Great trolling fellas.
It’s like I’m watching Will Ferrell in “The Producers” when I see PSU people defend JoePa.