
Once again, no respect for the mighty pug.

A Scion? It should have been a Camaro, which is what Tom Araya hauled their gear in during the early days when he was still a respiratory technician.

I haven't tried tortillas but will now, but can vouch for Costco naan and a 350 degree oven for 15 mins...they may not be crisy, but the char and chewiness go a long way, and they freeze better than tortillas.

"To me it felt more like the AIWA stereo I had in middle school; big heaps of bold plastic surrounding a primitive and seriously overstyled digital display."

You have instantly communicated a clear idea in a compact, succinct, and meaningful way to your reader. Congratulations on writing skill.

From - A fellow Aiwa

As Andrew Lincoln delivers Americans through the zombie apocalypse, so shall the Lincoln Town Car deliver us through...whatever it delivers us through. The point is that they both share the name Lincoln and the reference is accessible.

Unlike NASCAR, I'd pay to see this vehicle make nothing but left turns all night doing its thing!

The FRONT of an early 90's Pontiac Bonneville SE, and the BACK of an early 90's Pontiac Bonneville SE. You couldn't tell the difference but for the end with the steering wheel.

I have one of those unlimited plans from the good ole' iPhone 2 days, but, But, BUT, AT&T has been sniffing around tethered phones lately and there have been reports that they are revoking those plans or forcibly downgrading them. The buffet may be closing :(

"I'm thinking of trying this with a cast iron Dutch oven..."

Note, high sided sauce-pans, such as a deep sautee pan and moreso a Dutch oven, may trap and keep steam inside the cooking vessel which may negatively impact your resulting crispiness...unless of course, it is true deep frying where the entire ingredient is

I recall at the time, which is college, that they were going to call it "License Revoked," but the producers thought (probably correctly) that the general population didn't know the definition of "revoked." Thus LTK.

One of the best - perhaps the best - the franchise. It took another 25 years before they got back to a grittier Bond. No Queen and Country, just revenge and a personal agenda...and feeding people to sharks. Also, no (overly) ridiculous gadgets or suspension of disbelief in the plot (SPECTER). The casting was superb

Are you fucking kidding me?! That Buzzfeed link forced me to close my office door so I could sob quietly for 10 mins...holy christ.

It's like watching the Futurama "Jurassic Bark" episode all over again...which I refuse to ever see again.

PC specs from a well-off middle aged man who can afford more power than actually needs to run RTS and MMORPGs...

The cheapest store in Honolulu, HI...Costco wtfpwns grocery stores here...the nation's most food-insecure state.

Solved in the 90's by Suzuki Motor Corporation.

Yerp, INTJ at work cuz you gotta get stuff done, and INTP if left to my own devices.

Why is this not a Loco Moco? Damn haoles.

CONCUR! This article only serves to distract us from the *REAL* existential debate of "fold" vs. "crumple." Crumple clearly wins for its 1) traction and grab, 2) three-fold collapsability, and 3) a superior finishing pinch.

It's called "daikon ashi," or "turnip legs."

I like the cut of your jib, sir...the master of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, plus he liked the Honda Prelude.