The sitting President is an accused sexual harraser and alleged rapist so why am I supposed to give one solid fuck that some Hollywood big shot is one too? Just because he was a donor to the Democratic Party?
The sitting President is an accused sexual harraser and alleged rapist so why am I supposed to give one solid fuck that some Hollywood big shot is one too? Just because he was a donor to the Democratic Party?
Yeah the whole group kneeling did reek of “ok we’ve done it, can we just get on with it now” PR spin.
That is exactly what they hope.
And this “We will all kneel as a team (before the anthem) and then it will be done with” move is them trying to hurry the “blow over”
They think they can do a watered down version of it and prove how much they “get it”. Then everyone can just “move on”. But nope, as long as the core…
Great, the hardline Bern-folk are going to purity test us all into a two-term Trump Presidency.
And after Trump was “elected,” Bernie said he would work with him to make the minimum wage $10 if Trump would agree. So frack you and frack Bernie.
What? Why?!!
How incredible. The Republican Party who caused the election of a known sex offender to be President feel vindicated because some old Hollywood mogul who contributed to liberal causes is a harasser. What about the head of Fox News? What about half of the male Fox newscasters? What about the ultimate reality that…
Mia Farrow has been a consistent character witness in favor of Polanski.
YES! 10 fucking 4!
The NYT published this photo right front and center as the main illustration of their harvey article. It’s okay though, they managed to feature Malia’s name prominently too. They will never lose their hardon for taking down powerful but vulnerable women. I am so sick of this oh-so predictable bullshit from the Times,…
I hate you for being right about this.
Trump was a godsend for Hollywood. They could simultaneously claim to be against sexism but at the same time not upset the Hollywood apple cart.
Yup. It’s always a woman’s fault. Specifically Hillary’s if we can twist it that way.
I think they should make a statement and/or give the money he donated to charity. That would be the “moral” thing to do, but not a requirement.
Weinstein, not unlike Bill Clinton, both have a pathological history of abusive behavior towards women. Birds of a feather... This is NOT a partisan problem, sexism is a pervasive problem that slithers along both sides of the aisle. Tim Murphy is another recent and highly disappointing example. In the Weinstein case…
Odd the GOP believes this story considering the NYT is “fake news” and all.
Yes, Harvey Weinstein is a dick. And there are plenty of shitty, foul people that donate money to Democrats and Republicans. Deciding whether or not you accept donations from specific individuals though is a ridiculous standard.
Yep. Despite the fact that there are equally chummy pictures of Weinstein with pretty much every prominent face in politics and entertainment for the last 25+ years, and despite the fact that it’s crystal clear that Harvey was chums with Bill, not so much Hillary, this is the exact (clearly old, Hillary hasn’t had…
Ah The Slot, barely hiding their blaming of Democrats/Hillary for all that is wrong in politics.
So, what’s the deal with the cover photo? Are we implying that Hillary is to blame for this sexual harasser too?