lorem ipsum

“You look so young” is highly inappropriate, vaguely creepy, and not a compliment.

It was the best feminist blog ever written. I miss it every day.

God. Ugh. SO disgusting. I feel even more sympathy/empathy for these women.

Sending you internet love. ❤️

“female” as a noun gave you away, Chuck.

That fucking book should be issued to every girl when she turns 12.

OT: on an iPhone, hold down the letter for a moment & all kinds of options come up. No idea how to do it on a computer!

Is there a friend who could go with you, for support? (*I’d* go with you! I’m so sorry!)

Because misogyny is a weapon best used against “old people”! We don’t even have a right to exist, what with all the taking up room on the sidewalk and everything, amirite?

Our first grade nun told us your mouth, tongue, and throat would burn if you drank holy water.

I thought every TV show was always acted out live. I was totally confused and creeped out when my friend’s sister said, “He’s dead” about the cowardly lion while we were watching “The Wizard of Oz.” I spent the rest of the movie trying to figure out how The People In Charge of TV got a dead man’s body to move and talk.

That there is a man somewhere up in the sky who watches everything you do and knows everything you think and if you do or think something wrong, or neglect to do or think something good, he will punish you forever. Because he loves you.

Ugh. I live in Northern Virginia. Rural VA is like an entirely different state.

Like using c*** on a women’s website on a post where women are sharing our anger at misogyny and sexism?

Sigh. I adore you and all your posts. Why “bitches,” though? Women using misogynist slurs tears us all down.

And here’s a prime example: WHY do you have to fucking come in here and use misogynist slurs on a post about how pissed off and uncomfortable women feel about not having any space that is safe for us?

Oh shut up. Men are a virus. So are white people. We live in a white supremacist patriarchy. Look around you.

“I don’t see the issue”

Seriously? You’re seriously asking. Why don’t you shut up and read the comments, dude?

I think when I read about it in 2011, there was speculation that it would pre-emptively be declared illegal.