Virginia to Vita:
Virginia to Vita:
I have wished more than once that victims of these sorts of attacks in Muslim-majority countries would get the same coverage that we give to victims of domestic terror attacks. Show us their pictures. Tell us their names and their stories. Let us cry over these murdered children the way we cried over the murdered…
As much I hate to admit it. She has some points. Feminism has caused women to be unhappy because we’re actively ignoring some of the fundamental differences between men and women. Now before you beer guzzling, gas pumping, plant eating lesbians jump down my throat-hear me out!
If the FDA would like to recommend a better way to eat my feelings I’d love to hear it.
hey FDA- FUCK YOU. i’ve eaten about 1,00,000 pounds of raw cookie dough and i’m still standing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve asked some former antichoice people this question, and they say it is a combo of both. First, in the fore-front of their minds, they believe this and repeated it. They also really believe they are saving the lives of actual babies. Second, beneath the surface of all that, they know the laws don’t actually protect…
“It’s lonely over here in the pro-life camp,” Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America”
blocks funds from going to Planned Parenthood birth control services for women at risk of infection
She’s ready..
Damnit, now I have a mighty need to watch Thor/Avengers because Loki.
he hates her. look at his body language in those first two instagram videos. he HATES her. she’s trying too hard to prove that this relationship is real and he is just miserable.
This relationship, and the ensuing internet drama, is my everything right now.
“I am a conservative, I like to keep what we have.”
Like slaves and racism.
Honestly, liberals need to start treating gun control like the right treats abortion, and chip away at the stranglehold chip by chip by chip relentlessly until we make headway. Perhaps we can have some sort of TRAP laws that make it impossible for gun sellers to stay open in some states and make it really hard to…
I am so happy to have this ethnic minority on the Supreme Court. Particularly because Clarence Thomas does not know what he is doing.
I’ve started to wonder. If the whole “Politics and Religion shouldn’t be discussed at the dinner table.” finally goes away. Yes it sucks talking about these things, yes it gets people to disagree but you can’t come to a solution if you don’t talk about it. This is precisely what these morons want. They want it to be…
That’s why there is outrage. Typically when a problem arises its the goal of the government to come together and come up with a pragmatic solution. Instead you have one party yelling and another plugging their ears with cash crying “lalalalalala jesus lalalalalla guns”
It is precisely the government job to discuss what to do to prevent this in the future. Society can mourn but we pay those I tips with our hard earned tax dollars to do something about it. It’s their damn fucking job.
Rep. Duncan Hunter of California intended it as “gotcha amendment,” because he didn’t think liberals would vote to draft women.