Lorem Ipsum

I can understand STARTING treatment with natural remedies when the kid first starts getting sick, BUT when said child isn’t getting better, and is in fact worsening GET YOUR ASS TO A DOCTOR.

one eyed cats are better than all other one eyed animals

This is a travesty.

ilu for this. Also, he is not really LIVING in the box. He sleeps in it as he has full access to all the amenities of the house. So....

I don’t even have an Instagram and I think the “popular posts first!” change is bullshit. It’s for them to get more ads on your feed. Absolutely fucking no one wants anything but reverse chronological. It’s the only way social media makes sense.

hell yeah it is

Wonderwoman was the best part, and her theme music was amazing.

Where are we getting the funding to hire enough people who will make sure my birth certificate is accurate every time I take a whiz?

I thought all abortions were based on the same thing. A woman’s right to have one.

“You have value. You have worth. You are loved.”

In this case, Bay Area teachers start at or around that. But 50k in the Bay might as well be 30k or less with rising cost of living. :( If a tech office manager can start @60.....teachers should be well above that.

The Advocate reports House Bill 757 would “allow adoption and foster care agencies, homeless shelters, drug clinics, food pantries, and for-profit businesses to refuse service to LGBT people.”

Ladies and Gentleman, it is my great honor to present, for the first time as man and wife, Mr. And Mrs. Eleventhstreet

Maybe these religious organizations should start paying some taxes before they think they can decide what is and isn’t covered by health care.

Siiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. This is going to make family dinners more fun :/

I am female, with an especially young-girl-sounding voice. Whenever anyone gives me flak of any sort (“OMG! A GIRL!!!” etc.), I pretend like I’m a pre-pubescent boy who just had his feelings hurt. At the very least, it seems to confuse them into silence.

Bingo. This is why the kooks are so excited by Trump: he’s the candidate they’ve been begging for for years.

This is also the End Times. I mean, this is a catalogue clothing company and they can’t donate money to the UN Women’s Fund for Women’s Equality because it causes moral outrage. In 2016.