When women have access to safe and affordable health care, abortion rates drop. WHODATHUNKIT? Now, some members of…
And the survey says??
On Monday, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed a bill into law that prohibits licensed therapists from…
The Smithsonian took some time off today from categorizing their robust stamp collection to announce that scientists…
Come forth, my child, and showeth thine under breast. For hark on to thee a shirt, be swaddled. Yet weareth not bra nor bandeau, for in such entrapments thy devil does thrive.
For the past month, The Colbert Report has been excitedly promoting StePhest Colbchella, the show's annual summer…
The Chicago Tribune figures out the internet! (h/t Marcus Gilmer)
Also featuring: many other popular anime and manga characters beating the crap out of each other, courtesy of J-Star…
OK, I use italics a lot, but I really mean them this time: this is weird. Police in Sanford, Florida say George…
Cory Monteith apparently made a video on his final flight to Vancouver, which encouraged kids to "stay out of…
I'm not saying that this article isn't called for, but I would also ADORE it if someone wrote an article entitled "How to be Religious Without Being a Dick".