But Tom, it’s American, and if I buy American, I am literally killing the Earth
But Tom, it’s American, and if I buy American, I am literally killing the Earth
Versus the confidence that used Audi, BMW, and Mercedes vehicles instill, of course, being the paragons of reliability they are.
A team of 30 volunteers are gonna go from what we see in that video to a functional mass market flying car in less than 3 years?
Cali has given $70,000 Tesla tax breaks to the poor electric car buyers, even used ones.
It is bizarre because in the US, a tax break on car means the government is giving you money. In Denmark, it appears a tax break is just not paying the government money.
When a Civic is taxed until it costs almost $60k, why not get an ace of base Model S?
Yes because how else can I afford to fly to Davos to discuss saving the world with celebrities?
Precisely. Make a product that is useful and desirable at a reasonable cost and people will buy it. Until electric car ranges come up and costs go down, people are going to be hesitant about buying them.
Do we really need tax breaks for $100K electric luxury cars? And what is the carbon footprint of the rare earth element mining required for the batteries?
This has little to do with cars and more to do with the government’s desire to control choice by force/taxes.
My god that is one ugly car at any price!
10/10 would pay that much for a BRZ with a turbo.
I think Doug DeMuro is far more punchable.
The Lexus and almost every other car makes the BMW look skewed.
Except for that godawful ginormous grille on the Lexus. It looks like some weird, relativistic hourglass that would give me the spins if I stared at it for too long.
Yuuup. Same hips.
The Lexus is far sexier.
Motor Trend is probably already planning the Head 2 Head.
You beat me to it.
I went to the Indy GP in ‘09, but I remember watching that rainy GP on the TV. I was watching AMA and World Superbike consistently, but this is the first MotoGP race I watched on TV and I was hooked afterwards. I just couldn’t believe the treacherous conditions these riders were in and they were all giving it hell. I…